+How to deploy on Debian 11
+Installation Instructions:
+ 1. Install the necessary dependencies
+ 2. Create the directories; change example.com to your domain
+ a. /var/log/gunicorn/
+ b. /var/run/gunicorn/
+ c. /var/www/example.com/
+ d. /usr/local/etc/gunicorn/
+ 3. Copy example.com.service to /etc/systemd/system/ and change the name to your domain
+ 4. Edit the values of example.com.service by changing example.com to your domain
+ 5. Copy example.com.env to /usr/local/etc/gunicorn/ and change the name to your domain
+ 6. Edit the values of example.com.env
+ a. Generate a secret key by running generate_random_key.sh
+ 7. Change the user and group ownership of (2.abd) directories to www-data recursively
+ 8. In postgres create a user with a password and a database owned by the user
+ 9. Export your environment variables and inside core, run `python3 manage.py migrate`
+10. Inside core, run `python3 manage.py createsuperuser`
+11. Inside core, run `python3 manage.py collectstatic`
+12. Copy the contents of core/ into /var/www/example.com/
+13. Copy example.com.nginx to /etc/nginx/sites-available/ and change the name
+14. Edit the file example.com.nginx replacing example.com with your domain
+15. Run certbot to verify your domain
+16. Enable gunicorn `systemctl enable --now example.com.service`
+17. Enable nginx `systemctl enable --now example.com.service`
+Finalising Deployment:
+1. Log into the admin panel of your website and edit / create site values in "Sites"
+2. Create a Social Application.
+3. Create a ResetData object.