--- /dev/null
-formatter = logging.Formatter("[%(levelname)s] %(asctime)s: %(name)s; %(message)s")
-file_handler = logging.FileHandler("/var/log/aptbot/logs.log")
-logger.handlers = []
+ from aptbot.bot import Message, Commands, Bot
+ import os
+ import logging
+ import ttv_api.users
+ import sqlite3
+ import tools.smart_privmsg
+ import random
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ PREFIX = "?"
+ DESCRIPTION = r"Check who's currently in queue."
+ PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+ PATH = os.path.join(PATH, "..")
+ def main(bot: Bot, message: Message):
+ if random.random() < 0.09:
+ q = [
+ "https://imgur.com/d5qGioI",
+ "https://imgur.com/oaMmxXI",
+ "https://imgur.com/4btWipx",
+ "https://imgur.com/VvvD8d8",
+ "https://imgur.com/v7oflTv",
+ "https://imgur.com/MSnBNDz",
+ "https://imgur.com/x2pPkvw",
+ "https://imgur.com/xZgFcYG",
+ ]
+ msg = (
+ "You wanted to see the queue, but instead you got visited by the Q. monkaW "
+ )
+ msg += random.choice(q)
+ tools.smart_privmsg.send(
+ bot,
+ message,
+ msg,
+ reply=message.tags["id"],
+ )
+ return
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(PATH, "lol_data.db"))
+ c = conn.cursor()
+ c.execute(
+ """
+ SELECT twitch_id, priority_queue FROM lol_queue WHERE available = 1 ORDER BY position ASC;
+ """
+ )
+ fetched = c.fetchall()
+ queue = [x[0] for x in fetched]
+ twitch = ttv_api.users.get_users(user_ids=queue)
+ if not twitch:
+ bot.send_privmsg(
+ message.channel,
+ "There was an issue fetching twitch data. Sadge",
+ reply=message.tags["id"],
+ )
+ conn.close()
+ return
+ queue_users = []
+ for twitch_id in queue:
+ for twitch_user in twitch:
+ if int(twitch_user.user_id) == int(twitch_id):
+ queue_users.append(twitch_user)
+ break
+ else:
+ bot.send_privmsg(
+ message.channel,
+ f"There was an issue fetching data from the user with id {twitch_id}. They won't be in the list. This is a very weird problem to have occured. Sadge",
+ reply=message.tags["id"],
+ )
+ c.execute(
+ """
+ SELECT data FROM lol_queue_data WHERE name = 'queuesize';
+ """
+ )
+ try:
+ queue_size = c.fetchone()[0]
+ except TypeError:
+ queue_size = 5
+ bot.send_privmsg(
+ message.channel,
+ f"There was an issue fetching the queue size, default set to {queue_size}",
+ reply=message.tags["id"],
+ )
+ play_list = [user.display_name for user in queue_users[1:queue_size]]
+ prio_queue = []
+ wait_list = []
+ for user in queue_users[queue_size:]:
+ for fetch in fetched:
+ if int(user.user_id) == fetch[0] and fetch[1] == 1:
+ prio_queue.append(user.display_name)
+ elif int(user.user_id) == fetch[0]:
+ wait_list.append(user.display_name)
+ if prio_queue:
+ msg = f"These people are playing with {message.channel}: {play_list} | These people are in Priority Queue: {prio_queue} | These people are in the Wait List: {wait_list}"
+ else:
+ msg = f"These people are playing with {message.channel}: {play_list} | These people are in the Wait List: {wait_list}"
+ tools.smart_privmsg.send(
+ bot,
+ message,
+ msg,
+ reply=message.tags["id"],
+ )
+ conn.close()