--- Dracula color scheme
-local M = {}
- bg = "#282A36",
- fg = "#F8F8F2",
- selection = "#44475A",
- comment = "#6272A4",
- red = "#FF5555",
- orange = "#FFB86C",
- yellow = "#F1FA8C",
- green = "#50fa7b",
- purple = "#BD93F9",
- cyan = "#8BE9FD",
- pink = "#FF79C6",
- bright_red = "#FF6E6E",
- bright_green = "#69FF94",
- bright_yellow = "#FFFFA5",
- bright_blue = "#D6ACFF",
- bright_magenta = "#FF92DF",
- bright_cyan = "#A4FFFF",
- bright_white = "#FFFFFF",
- menu = "#21222C",
- visual = "#3E4452",
- gutter_fg = "#4B5263",
- nontext = "#3B4048",
- white = "#ABB2BF",
- black = "#191A21",
+local o = vim.o
+local g = vim.g
+local cmd = vim.cmd
+---@class DefaultConfig
+ italic_comment = g.dracula_italic_comment,
+ transparent_bg = g.dracula_transparent_bg,
+ show_end_of_buffer = g.dracula_show_end_of_buffer,
+ lualine_bg_color = g.dracula_lualine_bg_color,
+ colors = {
+ bg = "#282A36",
+ fg = "#F8F8F2",
+ selection = "#44475A",
+ comment = "#6272A4",
+ red = "#FF5555",
+ orange = "#FFB86C",
+ yellow = "#F1FA8C",
+ green = "#50fa7b",
+ purple = "#BD93F9",
+ cyan = "#8BE9FD",
+ pink = "#FF79C6",
+ bright_red = "#FF6E6E",
+ bright_green = "#69FF94",
+ bright_yellow = "#FFFFA5",
+ bright_blue = "#D6ACFF",
+ bright_magenta = "#FF92DF",
+ bright_cyan = "#A4FFFF",
+ bright_white = "#FFFFFF",
+ menu = "#21222C",
+ visual = "#3E4452",
+ gutter_fg = "#4B5263",
+ nontext = "#3B4048",
+ white = "#ABB2BF",
+ black = "#191A21",
+ },
-local colors = vim.tbl_deep_extend('force', DEFAULT_COLORS, vim.g.dracula_colors or {})
+ "Normal",
+ "SignColumn",
+ "NvimTreeNormal",
+ "NvimTreeVertSplit",
-M.colors = function()
- return colors
+local function apply_term_colors(colors)
+ g.terminal_color_0 = colors.black
+ g.terminal_color_1 = colors.red
+ g.terminal_color_2 = colors.green
+ g.terminal_color_3 = colors.yellow
+ g.terminal_color_4 = colors.purple
+ g.terminal_color_5 = colors.pink
+ g.terminal_color_6 = colors.cyan
+ g.terminal_color_7 = colors.white
+ g.terminal_color_8 = colors.selection
+ g.terminal_color_9 = colors.bright_red
+ g.terminal_color_10 = colors.bright_green
+ g.terminal_color_11 = colors.bright_yellow
+ g.terminal_color_12 = colors.bright_blue
+ g.terminal_color_13 = colors.bright_magenta
+ g.terminal_color_14 = colors.bright_cyan
+ g.terminal_color_15 = colors.bright_white
+ g.terminal_color_background = colors.bg
+ g.terminal_color_foreground = colors.fg
-M.apply_term_colors = function(colors)
- vim.g.terminal_color_0 = colors.black
- vim.g.terminal_color_1 = colors.red
- vim.g.terminal_color_2 = colors.green
- vim.g.terminal_color_3 = colors.yellow
- vim.g.terminal_color_4 = colors.purple
- vim.g.terminal_color_5 = colors.pink
- vim.g.terminal_color_6 = colors.cyan
- vim.g.terminal_color_7 = colors.white
- vim.g.terminal_color_8 = colors.selection
- vim.g.terminal_color_9 = colors.bright_red
- vim.g.terminal_color_10 = colors.bright_green
- vim.g.terminal_color_11 = colors.bright_yellow
- vim.g.terminal_color_12 = colors.bright_blue
- vim.g.terminal_color_13 = colors.bright_magenta
- vim.g.terminal_color_14 = colors.bright_cyan
- vim.g.terminal_color_15 = colors.bright_white
- vim.g.terminal_color_background = colors.bg
- vim.g.terminal_color_foreground = colors.fg
+---apply dracula colorscheme
+---@param opts DefaultConfig
+local function apply(opts)
+ local isItalic = opts.italic_comment
+ local isShowBufEnd = opts.show_end_of_buffer
+ local colors = opts.colors
+ apply_term_colors(colors)
+ -- highlight(Group, Foreground, Backgroud, Attribute, Special)
+ local highlights = {
+ Normal = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.bg, },
+ NormalFloat = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.bg, },
+ Comment = { fg = colors.comment, attr = isItalic and "italic" or nil, },
+ Constant = { fg = colors.yellow, },
+ String = { fg = colors.yellow, },
+ Character = { fg = colors.green, },
+ Number = { fg = colors.orange, },
+ Boolean = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ Float = { fg = colors.orange, },
+ FloatBorder = { fg = colors.white, },
+ Operator = { fg = colors.purple, },
+ Keyword = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ Keywords = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ Identifier = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ Function = { fg = colors.yellow, },
+ Statement = { fg = colors.purple, },
+ Conditional = { fg = colors.pink, },
+ Repeat = { fg = colors.pink, },
+ Label = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ Exception = { fg = colors.purple, },
+ PreProc = { fg = colors.yellow, },
+ Include = { fg = colors.purple, },
+ Define = { fg = colors.purple, },
+ Title = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ Macro = { fg = colors.purple, },
+ PreCondit = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ Type = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ StorageClass = { fg = colors.pink, },
+ Structure = { fg = colors.yellow, },
+ TypeDef = { fg = colors.yellow, },
+ Special = { fg = colors.green, attr = "italic", },
+ SpecialComment = { fg = colors.comment, attr = "italic", },
+ Error = { fg = colors.bright_red, },
+ Todo = { fg = colors.purple, attr = "bold,italic", },
+ Underlined = { fg = colors.cyan, attr = "underline", },
+ Cursor = { attr = "reverse", },
+ CursorLineNr = { fg = colors.fg, attr = "bold", },
+ SignColumn = { bg = colors.bg, },
+ Conceal = { fg = colors.comment, },
+ CursorColumn = { bg = colors.black, },
+ CursorLine = { bg = colors.selection, },
+ ColorColumn = { bg = colors.selection, },
+ StatusLine = { fg = colors.white, bg = colors.black, },
+ StatusLineNC = { fg = colors.comment, },
+ StatusLineTerm = { fg = colors.white, bg = colors.black, },
+ StatusLineTermNC = { fg = colors.comment, },
+ Directory = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ DiffAdd = { fg = colors.bg, bg = colors.green, },
+ DiffChange = { fg = colors.orange, },
+ DiffDelete = { fg = colors.red, },
+ DiffText = { fg = colors.comment, },
+ ErrorMsg = { fg = colors.bright_red, },
+ VertSplit = { fg = colors.black, },
+ Folded = { fg = colors.comment, },
+ FoldColumn = {},
+ Search = { fg = colors.black, bg = colors.orange, },
+ IncSearch = { fg = colors.orange, bg = colors.comment, },
+ LineNr = { fg = colors.comment, },
+ MatchParen = { fg = colors.fg, attr = "underline", },
+ NonText = { fg = colors.nontext, },
+ Pmenu = { fg = colors.white, bg = colors.menu, },
+ PmenuSel = { fg = colors.white, bg = colors.selection, },
+ PmenuSbar = { bg = colors.bg, },
+ PmenuThumb = { bg = colors.selection, },
+ Question = { fg = colors.purple, },
+ QuickFixLine = { fg = colors.black, bg = colors.yellow, },
+ SpecialKey = { fg = colors.nontext, },
+ SpellBad = { fg = colors.bright_red, attr = "underline", },
+ SpellCap = { fg = colors.yellow, },
+ SpellLocal = { fg = colors.yellow, },
+ SpellRare = { fg = colors.yellow, },
+ TabLine = { fg = colors.comment, },
+ TabLineSel = { fg = colors.white, },
+ TabLineFill = { bg = colors.bg, },
+ Terminal = { fg = colors.white, bg = colors.black, },
+ Visual = { bg = colors.visual, },
+ VisualNOS = { fg = colors.visual, },
+ WarningMsg = { fg = colors.yellow, },
+ WildMenu = { fg = colors.black, bg = colors.white, },
+ EndOfBuffer = { fg = isShowBufEnd and colors.visual or colors.bg, },
+ -- TreeSitter
+ TSError = { fg = colors.bright_red, },
+ TSPunctDelimiter = { fg = colors.fg, },
+ TSPunctBracket = { fg = colors.fg, },
+ TSPunctSpecial = { fg = colors.fg, },
+ TSConstant = { fg = colors.purple, },
+ TSConstantBuiltin = { fg = colors.purple, },
+ TSConstMacro = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ TSStringRegex = { fg = colors.red, },
+ TSString = { fg = colors.yellow, },
+ TSStringEscape = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ TSCharacter = { fg = colors.green, },
+ TSNumber = { fg = colors.purple, },
+ TSBoolean = { fg = colors.purple, },
+ TSFloat = { fg = colors.green, },
+ TSAnnotation = { fg = colors.yellow, },
+ TSAttribute = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ TSNamespace = { fg = colors.orange, },
+ TSFuncBuiltin = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ TSFunction = { fg = colors.green, },
+ TSFuncMacro = { fg = colors.green, },
+ TSParameter = { fg = colors.orange, },
+ TSParameterReference = { fg = colors.orange, },
+ TSMethod = { fg = colors.green, },
+ TSField = { fg = colors.orange, },
+ TSProperty = { fg = colors.fg, },
+ TSConstructor = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ TSConditional = { fg = colors.pink, },
+ TSRepeat = { fg = colors.pink, },
+ TSLabel = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ TSKeyword = { fg = colors.pink, },
+ TSKeywordFunction = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ TSKeywordOperator = { fg = colors.pink, },
+ TSOperator = { fg = colors.pink, },
+ TSException = { fg = colors.purple, },
+ TSType = { fg = colors.bright_cyan, },
+ TSTypeBuiltin = { fg = colors.cyan, attr = "italic", },
+ TSStructure = { fg = colors.purple, },
+ TSInclude = { fg = colors.pink, },
+ TSVariable = { fg = colors.fg, },
+ TSVariableBuiltin = { fg = colors.purple, },
+ TSText = { fg = colors.orange, },
+ TSStrong = { fg = colors.orange, attr = "bold", }, -- bold
+ TSEmphasis = { fg = colors.yellow, attr = "italic", }, -- italic
+ TSUnderline = { fg = colors.orange, },
+ TSTitle = { fg = colors.pink, }, -- title
+ TSLiteral = { fg = colors.yellow, }, -- inline code
+ TSURI = { fg = colors.yellow, attr = "italic", }, -- urls
+ TSTag = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ TSTagDelimiter = { fg = colors.white, },
+ -- HTML
+ htmlArg = { fg = colors.yellow, },
+ htmlBold = { fg = colors.yellow, attr = "bold", },
+ htmlEndTag = { fg = colors.white, },
+ htmlH1 = { fg = colors.pink, },
+ htmlH2 = { fg = colors.pink, },
+ htmlH3 = { fg = colors.pink, },
+ htmlH4 = { fg = colors.pink, },
+ htmlH5 = { fg = colors.pink, },
+ htmlH6 = { fg = colors.pink, },
+ htmlItalic = { fg = colors.purple, attr = "italic", },
+ htmlLink = { fg = colors.purple, attr = "underline", },
+ htmlSpecialChar = { fg = colors.yellow, },
+ htmlSpecialTagName = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ htmlTag = { fg = colors.pink, },
+ htmlTagN = { fg = colors.pink, },
+ htmlTagName = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ htmlTitle = { fg = colors.white, },
+ -- Markdown
+ markdownBlockquote = { fg = colors.yellow, attr = "italic", },
+ markdownBold = { fg = colors.orange, attr = "bold", },
+ markdownCode = { fg = colors.green, },
+ markdownCodeBlock = { fg = colors.orange, },
+ markdownCodeDelimiter = { fg = colors.red, },
+ markdownH1 = { fg = colors.pink, attr = "bold", },
+ markdownH2 = { fg = colors.pink, attr = "bold", },
+ markdownH3 = { fg = colors.pink, attr = "bold", },
+ markdownH4 = { fg = colors.pink, attr = "bold", },
+ markdownH5 = { fg = colors.pink, attr = "bold", },
+ markdownH6 = { fg = colors.pink, attr = "bold", },
+ markdownHeadingDelimiter = { fg = colors.red, },
+ markdownHeadingRule = { fg = colors.comment, },
+ markdownId = { fg = colors.purple, },
+ markdownIdDeclaration = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ markdownIdDelimiter = { fg = colors.purple, },
+ markdownItalic = { fg = colors.yellow, attr = "italic", },
+ markdownLinkDelimiter = { fg = colors.purple, },
+ markdownLinkText = { fg = colors.pink, },
+ markdownListMarker = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ markdownOrderedListMarker = { fg = colors.red, },
+ markdownRule = { fg = colors.comment, },
+ -- Diff
+ diffAdded = { fg = colors.green, },
+ diffRemoved = { fg = colors.red, },
+ diffFileId = { fg = colors.yellow, attr = "bold,reverse", },
+ diffFile = { fg = colors.nontext, },
+ diffNewFile = { fg = colors.green, },
+ diffOldFile = { fg = colors.red, },
+ debugPc = { bg = colors.cyan, },
+ debugBreakpoint = { fg = colors.red, attr = "reverse", },
+ -- Git Signs
+ GitSignsAdd = { fg = colors.bright_green, },
+ GitSignsChange = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ GitSignsDelete = { fg = colors.bright_red, },
+ GitSignsAddLn = { fg = colors.black, bg = colors.bright_green, },
+ GitSignsChangeLn = { fg = colors.black, bg = colors.cyan, },
+ GitSignsDeleteLn = { fg = colors.black, bg = colors.bright_red, },
+ -- Telescope
+ TelescopePromptBorder = { fg = colors.comment, },
+ TelescopeResultsBorder = { fg = colors.comment, },
+ TelescopePreviewBorder = { fg = colors.comment, },
+ TelescopeSelection = { fg = colors.white, bg = colors.selection, },
+ TelescopeMultiSelection = { fg = colors.purple, bg = colors.selection, },
+ TelescopeNormal = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.bg, },
+ TelescopeMatching = { fg = colors.green, },
+ TelescopePromptPrefix = { fg = colors.purple, },
+ -- NvimTree
+ NvimTreeNormal = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.menu, },
+ NvimTreeVertSplit = { fg = colors.bg, bg = colors.bg, },
+ NvimTreeRootFolder = { fg = colors.fg, attr = "bold", },
+ NvimTreeGitDirty = { fg = colors.yellow, },
+ NvimTreeGitNew = { fg = colors.bright_green, },
+ NvimTreeImageFile = { fg = colors.pink, },
+ NvimTreeFolderIcon = { fg = colors.purple, },
+ NvimTreeIndentMarker = { fg = colors.nontext, },
+ NvimTreeEmptyFolderName = { fg = colors.comment, },
+ NvimTreeFolderName = { fg = colors.fg, },
+ NvimTreeSpecialFile = { fg = colors.pink, attr = "underline", },
+ NvimTreeOpenedFolderName = { fg = colors.fg, },
+ NvimTreeCursorLine = { bg = colors.selection, },
+ NvimTreeIn = { bg = colors.selection, },
+ NvimTreeEndOfBuffer = { fg = isShowBufEnd and colors.visual or colors.bg, },
+ -- Bufferline
+ BufferLineIndicatorSelected = { fg = colors.purple, },
+ BufferLineFill = { bg = colors.black, },
+ -- LSP
+ DiagnosticError = { fg = colors.red, },
+ DiagnosticWarn = { fg = colors.yellow, },
+ DiagnosticInfo = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ DiagnosticHint = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ DiagnosticUnderlineError = { attr = "undercurl", sp = colors.red, },
+ DiagnosticUnderlineWarn = { attr = "undercurl", sp = colors.yellow, },
+ DiagnosticUnderlineInfo = { attr = "undercurl", sp = colors.cyan, },
+ DiagnosticUnderlineHint = { attr = "undercurl", sp = colors.cyan, },
+ DiagnosticSignError = { fg = colors.red, },
+ DiagnosticSignWarn = { fg = colors.yellow, },
+ DiagnosticSignInfo = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ DiagnosticSignHint = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ DiagnosticFloatingError = { fg = colors.red, },
+ DiagnosticFloatingWarn = { fg = colors.yellow, },
+ DiagnosticFloatingInfo = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ DiagnosticFloatingHint = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ DiagnosticVirtualTextError = { fg = colors.red, },
+ DiagnosticVirtualTextWarn = { fg = colors.yellow, },
+ DiagnosticVirtualTextInfo = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ DiagnosticVirtualTextHint = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ LspDiagnosticsDefaultError = { fg = colors.red, },
+ LspDiagnosticsDefaultWarning = { fg = colors.yellow, },
+ LspDiagnosticsDefaultInformation = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ LspDiagnosticsDefaultHint = { fg = colors.cyan, },
+ LspDiagnosticsUnderlineError = { fg = colors.red, attr = "undercurl", },
+ LspDiagnosticsUnderlineWarning = { fg = colors.yellow, attr = "undercurl", },
+ LspDiagnosticsUnderlineInformation = { fg = colors.cyan, attr = "undercurl", },
+ LspDiagnosticsUnderlineHint = { fg = colors.cyan, attr = "undercurl", },
+ LspReferenceText = { fg = colors.orange, },
+ LspReferenceRead = { fg = colors.orange, },
+ LspReferenceWrite = { fg = colors.orange, },
+ --LSP Saga
+ LspFloatWinNormal = { fg = colors.fg, },
+ LspFloatWinBorder = { fg = colors.comment, },
+ LspSagaHoverBorder = { fg = colors.comment, },
+ LspSagaSignatureHelpBorder = { fg = colors.comment, },
+ LspSagaCodeActionBorder = { fg = colors.comment, },
+ LspSagaDefPreviewBorder = { fg = colors.comment, },
+ LspLinesDiagBorder = { fg = colors.comment, },
+ LspSagaRenameBorder = { fg = colors.comment, },
+ LspSagaBorderTitle = { fg = colors.menu, },
+ LSPSagaDiagnosticTruncateLine = { fg = colors.comment, },
+ LspSagaDiagnosticBorder = { fg = colors.comment, },
+ LspSagaShTruncateLine = { fg = colors.comment, },
+ LspSagaDocTruncateLine = { fg = colors.comment, },
+ LspSagaLspFinderBorder = { fg = colors.comment, },
+ -- IndentBlankLine
+ IndentBlanklineContextChar = { fg = colors.bright_red, attr = "nocombine", },
+ -- Nvim compe
+ CmpItemAbbrDeprecated = { fg = colors.white, bg = colors.menu, },
+ CmpItemAbbrMatch = { fg = colors.cyan, bg = colors.menu, },
+ --barbar
+ BufferCurrentTarget = { fg = colors.red, },
+ BufferVisibleTarget = { fg = colors.red, },
+ BufferInactiveTarget = { fg = colors.red, },
+ -- Compe
+ CompeDocumentation = "Pmenu",
+ CompeDocumentationBorder = "Pmenu",
+ -- Cmp
+ CmpItemKind = "Pmenu",
+ CmpItemAbbr = "Pmenu",
+ CmpItemKindMethod = "TSMethod",
+ CmpItemKindText = "TSText",
+ CmpItemKindFunction = "TSFunction",
+ CmpItemKindConstructor = "TSType",
+ CmpItemKindVariable = "TSVariable",
+ CmpItemKindClass = "TSType",
+ CmpItemKindInterface = "TSType",
+ CmpItemKindModule = "TSNamespace",
+ CmpItemKindProperty = "TSProperty",
+ CmpItemKindOperator = "TSOperator",
+ CmpItemKindReference = "TSParameterReference",
+ CmpItemKindUnit = "TSField",
+ CmpItemKindValue = "TSField",
+ CmpItemKindField = "TSField",
+ CmpItemKindEnum = "TSField",
+ CmpItemKindKeyword = "TSKeyword",
+ CmpItemKindSnippet = "TSText",
+ CmpItemKindColor = "cssColor",
+ CmpItemKindFile = "TSURI",
+ CmpItemKindFolder = "TSURI",
+ CmpItemKindEvent = "TSConstant",
+ CmpItemKindEnumMember = "TSField",
+ CmpItemKindConstant = "TSConstant",
+ CmpItemKindStruct = "TSStructure",
+ CmpItemKindTypeParameter = "TSParameter",
+ }
+ -- apply transparents
+ if opts.transparent_bg then
+ for _, group in ipairs(TRANSPARENTS) do
+ highlights[group].bg = nil
+ end
+ end
+ local links = {} ---@type string[]
+ -- run defined highlights
+ for group, value in pairs(highlights) do
+ if type(value) == "table" then
+ local sp = value.sp and " guisp=" .. value.sp or ""
+ cmd(string.format("highlight %s guifg=%s guibg=%s gui=%s%s",
+ group, value.fg or "NONE", value.bg or "NONE",
+ value.attr or "NONE", sp))
+ elseif type(value) == "string" then
+ -- make sure links will run later
+ links[#links + 1] = string.format("highlight! link %s %s", group, value)
+ end
+ end
+ -- run highlights link commands
+ for _, command in ipairs(links) do
+ cmd(command)
+ end
-M.apply = function()
- local isItalic = vim.g.dracula_italic_comment == true
- local highlight = function(group, fg, bg, attr, sp)
- fg = fg and "guifg=" .. fg or "guifg=NONE"
- bg = bg and "guibg=" .. bg or "guibg=NONE"
- attr = attr and "gui=" ..attr or "gui=NONE"
- sp = sp and "guisp=" .. sp or ""
- vim.api.nvim_command("highlight " .. group .. " ".. fg .. " " .. bg .. " ".. attr .. " " .. sp)
- end
- local colors = M.colors()
- M.apply_term_colors(colors)
- -- highlight(Group, Foreground, Backgroud, Attribute, Special)
- if(vim.g.dracula_transparent_bg == true) then
- highlight("Normal", colors.fg, nil, nil, nil)
- else
- highlight("Normal", colors.fg, colors.bg, nil, nil)
- end
- highlight("NormalFloat", colors.fg, colors.bg, nil, nil)
- highlight("Comment", colors.comment, nil, isItalic and 'italic' or nil, nil)
- highlight("Constant", colors.yellow, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("String", colors.yellow, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("Character", colors.green, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("Number", colors.orange, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("Boolean", colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("Float", colors.orange, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("FloatBorder", colors.white, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("Operator", colors.purple, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("Keyword", colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("Keywords", colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("Identifier", colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("Function", colors.yellow, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("Statement", colors.purple, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("Conditional", colors.pink, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("Repeat", colors.pink, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("Label", colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("Exception", colors.purple, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("PreProc", colors.yellow, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("Include", colors.purple, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("Define", colors.purple, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("Title", colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("Macro", colors.purple, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("PreCondit", colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("Type", colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("StorageClass", colors.pink, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("Structure", colors.yellow, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TypeDef", colors.yellow, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("Special", colors.green, nil, "italic", nil)
- highlight("SpecialComment", colors.comment, nil, "italic", nil)
- highlight("Error", colors.bright_red, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("Todo", colors.purple, nil, "bold,italic", nil)
- highlight("Underlined", colors.cyan, nil, "underline", nil)
- highlight("Cursor", nil, nil, "reverse", nil)
- highlight("CursorColumn", nil, colors.black, "reverse", nil)
- highlight("CursorLineNr", colors.fg, nil, "bold", nil)
- if(vim.g.dracula_transparent_bg == true)then
- highlight("SignColumn", nil, nil, nil, nil)
- else
- highlight("SignColumn", nil, colors.bg, nil, nil)
- end
- highlight("Conceal", colors.comment, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("CursorColumn", nil, colors.black, nil, nil)
- highlight("CursorLine", nil, colors.selection, nil, nil)
- highlight("ColorColumn", nil, colors.selection, nil, nil)
- highlight("StatusLine", colors.white, colors.black, nil, nil)
- highlight("StatusLineNC", colors.comment, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("StatusLineTerm", colors.white, colors.black, nil, nil)
- highlight("StatusLineTermNC", colors.comment, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("Directory", colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("DiffAdd", colors.bg, colors.green, nil, nil)
- highlight("DiffChange", colors.orange, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("DiffDelete", colors.red, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("DiffText", colors.comment, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("ErrorMsg", colors.bright_red, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("VertSplit", colors.black, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("Folded", colors.comment, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("FoldColumn", nil, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("Search", colors.black, colors.orange, nil, nil)
- highlight("IncSearch", colors.orange, colors.comment, nil, nil)
- highlight("LineNr", colors.comment, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("MatchParen", colors.fg, nil, "underline", nil)
- highlight("NonText", colors.nontext, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("Pmenu", colors.white, colors.menu, nil, nil)
- highlight("PmenuSel", colors.white, colors.selection, nil, nil)
- highlight("PmenuSbar", nil, colors.bg, nil, nil)
- highlight("PmenuThumb", nil, colors.selection, nil, nil)
- highlight("Question", colors.purple, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("QuickFixLine", colors.black, colors.yellow, nil, nil)
- highlight("SpecialKey", colors.nontext, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("SpellBad", colors.bright_red, nil, "underline", nil)
- highlight("SpellCap", colors.yellow, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("SpellLocal", colors.yellow, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("SpellRare", colors.yellow, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TabLine", colors.comment, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TabLineSel", colors.white, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TabLineFill", nil, colors.bg, nil, nil)
- highlight("Terminal", colors.white, colors.black, nil, nil)
- highlight("Visual", nil, colors.visual, nil, nil)
- highlight("VisualNOS", colors.visual, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("WarningMsg", colors.yellow, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("WildMenu", colors.black, colors.white, nil, nil)
- if(vim.g.dracula_show_end_of_buffer == true) then
- highlight("EndOfBuffer", colors.visual, nil, nil, nil)
- else
- highlight("EndOfBuffer", colors.bg, nil, nil, nil)
- end
- -- TreeSitter
- highlight("TSError", colors.bright_red, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSPunctDelimiter", colors.fg, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSPunctBracket", colors.fg, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSPunctSpecial", colors.fg, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSConstant", colors.purple, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSConstantBuiltin", colors.purple, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSConstMacro", colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSStringRegex", colors.red, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSString", colors.yellow, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSStringEscape", colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSCharacter", colors.green, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSNumber", colors.purple, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSBoolean", colors.purple, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSFloat", colors.green, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSAnnotation", colors.yellow, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSAttribute", colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSNamespace", colors.orange, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSFuncBuiltin", colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSFunction", colors.green, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSFuncMacro", colors.green, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSParameter", colors.orange, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSParameterReference", colors.orange, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSMethod", colors.green, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSField", colors.orange, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSProperty", colors.fg, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSConstructor", colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSConditional", colors.pink, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSRepeat", colors.pink, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSLabel", colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSKeyword", colors.pink, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSKeywordFunction", colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSKeywordOperator", colors.pink, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSOperator", colors.pink, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSException", colors.purple, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSType", colors.bright_cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSTypeBuiltin", colors.cyan, nil, "italic", nil)
- highlight("TSStructure", colors.purple, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSInclude", colors.pink, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSVariable", colors.fg, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSVariableBuiltin", colors.purple, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSText", colors.orange, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSStrong", colors.orange, nil, "bold", nil) -- bold
- highlight("TSEmphasis", colors.yellow, nil, "italic", nil) -- italic
- highlight("TSUnderline", colors.orange, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSTitle", colors.pink, nil, nil, nil) -- title
- highlight("TSLiteral", colors.yellow, nil, nil, nil) -- inline code
- highlight("TSURI", colors.yellow, nil, "italic", nil) -- urls
- highlight("TSTag", colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TSTagDelimiter", colors.white, nil, nil, nil)
- -- HTML
- highlight("htmlArg", colors.yellow, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("htmlBold", colors.yellow, nil, "bold", nil)
- highlight("htmlEndTag", colors.white, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("htmlH1", colors.pink, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("htmlH2", colors.pink, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("htmlH3", colors.pink, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("htmlH4", colors.pink, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("htmlH5", colors.pink, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("htmlH6", colors.pink, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("htmlItalic", colors.purple, nil, "italic", nil)
- highlight("htmlLink", colors.purple, nil, "underline", nil)
- highlight("htmlSpecialChar", colors.yellow, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("htmlSpecialTagName", colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("htmlTag", colors.pink, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("htmlTagN", colors.pink, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("htmlTagName", colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("htmlTitle", colors.white, nil, nil, nil)
- -- Markdown
- highlight("markdownBlockquote", colors.yellow, nil, "italic", nil)
- highlight("markdownBold", colors.orange, nil, "bold", nil)
- highlight("markdownCode", colors.green, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("markdownCodeBlock", colors.orange, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("markdownCodeDelimiter", colors.red, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("markdownH1", colors.pink, nil, "bold", nil)
- highlight("markdownH2", colors.pink, nil, "bold", nil)
- highlight("markdownH3", colors.pink, nil, "bold", nil)
- highlight("markdownH4", colors.pink, nil, "bold", nil)
- highlight("markdownH5", colors.pink, nil, "bold", nil)
- highlight("markdownH6", colors.pink, nil, "bold", nil)
- highlight("markdownHeadingDelimiter", colors.red, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("markdownHeadingRule", colors.comment, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("markdownId", colors.purple, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("markdownIdDeclaration", colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("markdownIdDelimiter", colors.purple, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("markdownItalic", colors.yellow, nil, "italic", nil)
- highlight("markdownLinkDelimiter", colors.purple, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("markdownLinkText", colors.pink, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("markdownListMarker", colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("markdownOrderedListMarker", colors.red, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("markdownRule", colors.comment, nil, nil, nil)
- -- Diff
- highlight("diffAdded", colors.green, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("diffRemoved", colors.red, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("diffFileId", colors.yellow, nil, "bold,reverse", nil)
- highlight("diffFile", colors.nontext, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("diffNewFile", colors.green, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("diffOldFile", colors.red, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("debugPc", nil, colors.cyan, nil, nil)
- highlight("debugBreakpoint", colors.red, nil, "reverse", nil)
- -- Git Signs
- highlight('GitSignsAdd', colors.bright_green, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight('GitSignsChange', colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight('GitSignsDelete', colors.bright_red, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight('GitSignsAddLn', colors.black, colors.bright_green, nil, nil)
- highlight('GitSignsChangeLn', colors.black, colors.cyan, nil, nil)
- highlight('GitSignsDeleteLn', colors.black, colors.bright_red, nil, nil)
- -- Nvim compe
- vim.api.nvim_command("highlight! link CompeDocumentation Pmenu")
- -- Telescope
- highlight("TelescopePromptBorder", colors.comment, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TelescopeResultsBorder", colors.comment, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TelescopePreviewBorder", colors.comment, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TelescopeSelection", colors.white, colors.selection, nil, nil)
- highlight("TelescopeMultiSelection", colors.purple, colors.selection, nil, nil)
- highlight("TelescopeNormal", colors.fg, colors.bg, nil, nil)
- highlight("TelescopeMatching", colors.green, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("TelescopePromptPrefix", colors.purple, nil, nil, nil)
- -- NvimTree
- if(vim.g.dracula_transparent_bg == true) then
- highlight("NvimTreeNormal ", colors.fg, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("NvimTreeVertSplit", nil, nil, nil, nil)
- else
- highlight("NvimTreeNormal ", colors.fg, colors.menu, nil, nil)
- highlight("NvimTreeVertSplit", colors.bg, colors.bg, nil, nil)
- end
- highlight("NvimTreeRootFolder", colors.fg, nil, 'bold', nil)
- highlight("NvimTreeGitDirty", colors.yellow, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("NvimTreeGitNew", colors.bright_green, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("NvimTreeImageFile", colors.pink, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("NvimTreeFolderIcon", colors.purple, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("NvimTreeIndentMarker", colors.nontext, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("NvimTreeEmptyFolderName", colors.comment, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("NvimTreeFolderName", colors.fg, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("NvimTreeSpecialFile", colors.pink, nil, 'underline', nil)
- highlight("NvimTreeOpenedFolderName", colors.fg, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("NvimTreeCursorLine", nil, colors.selection, nil, nil)
- highlight("NvimTreeIn", nil, colors.selection, nil, nil)
- if(vim.g.dracula_show_end_of_buffer == true) then
- highlight("NvimTreeEndOfBuffer", colors.visual, nil, nil, nil)
- else
- highlight("NvimTreeEndOfBuffer", colors.bg, nil, nil, nil)
- end
- -- Bufferline
- highlight("BufferLineIndicatorSelected", colors.purple , nil, nil, nil)
- highlight("BufferLineFill", nil , colors.black, nil, nil)
- -- LSP
- highlight('DiagnosticError', colors.red, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight('DiagnosticWarn', colors.yellow, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight('DiagnosticInfo', colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight('DiagnosticHint', colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight('DiagnosticUnderlineError', nil, nil, 'undercurl', colors.red)
- highlight('DiagnosticUnderlineWarn', nil, nil, 'undercurl', colors.yellow)
- highlight('DiagnosticUnderlineInfo', nil, nil, 'undercurl', colors.cyan)
- highlight('DiagnosticUnderlineHint', nil, nil, 'undercurl', colors.cyan)
- highlight('DiagnosticSignError', colors.red, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight('DiagnosticSignWarn', colors.yellow, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight('DiagnosticSignInfo', colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight('DiagnosticSignHint', colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight('DiagnosticFloatingError', colors.red, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight('DiagnosticFloatingWarn', colors.yellow, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight('DiagnosticFloatingInfo', colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight('DiagnosticFloatingHint', colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight('DiagnosticVirtualTextError', colors.red, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight('DiagnosticVirtualTextWarn', colors.yellow, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight('DiagnosticVirtualTextInfo', colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight('DiagnosticVirtualTextHint', colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight('LspDiagnosticsDefaultError', colors.red, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight('LspDiagnosticsDefaultWarning', colors.yellow, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight('LspDiagnosticsDefaultInformation', colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight('LspDiagnosticsDefaultHint', colors.cyan, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight('LspDiagnosticsUnderlineError', colors.red, nil, 'undercurl', nil)
- highlight('LspDiagnosticsUnderlineWarning', colors.yellow, nil, 'undercurl', nil)
- highlight('LspDiagnosticsUnderlineInformation', colors.cyan, nil, 'undercurl', nil)
- highlight('LspDiagnosticsUnderlineHint', colors.cyan, nil, 'undercurl', nil)
- highlight('LspReferenceText', colors.orange, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight('LspReferenceRead', colors.orange, nil, nil, nil)
- highlight('LspReferenceWrite', colors.orange, nil, nil, nil)
- --LSP Saga
- highlight("LspFloatWinNormal", colors.fg, nil, 'none', nil)
- highlight("LspFloatWinBorder", colors.comment, nil, 'none', nil)
- highlight("LspSagaHoverBorder", colors.comment, nil, 'none', nil)
- highlight("LspSagaSignatureHelpBorder", colors.comment, nil, 'none', nil)
- highlight("LspSagaCodeActionBorder", colors.comment, nil, 'none', nil)
- highlight("LspSagaDefPreviewBorder", colors.comment, nil, 'none', nil)
- highlight("LspLinesDiagBorder", colors.comment, nil, 'none', nil)
- highlight("LspSagaRenameBorder", colors.comment, nil, 'none', nil)
- highlight("LspSagaBorderTitle", colors.menu, nil, 'none', nil)
- highlight("LSPSagaDiagnosticTruncateLine", colors.comment, nil, 'none', nil)
- highlight("LspSagaDiagnosticBorder", colors.comment, nil, 'none', nil)
- highlight("LspSagaDiagnosticBorder", colors.comment, nil, 'none', nil)
- highlight("LspSagaShTruncateLine", colors.comment, nil, 'none', nil)
- highlight("LspSagaShTruncateLine", colors.comment, nil, 'none', nil)
- highlight("LspSagaDocTruncateLine", colors.comment, nil, 'none', nil)
- highlight("LspSagaRenameBorder", colors.comment, nil, 'none', nil)
- highlight("LspSagaLspFinderBorder", colors.comment, nil, 'none', nil)
- -- IndentBlankLine
- highlight("IndentBlanklineContextChar", colors.bright_red, nil, "nocombine", nil)
- -- Nvim compe
- highlight("CmpItemAbbrDeprecated", colors.white, colors.menu, 'none', nil)
- highlight("CmpItemAbbrMatch", colors.cyan, colors.menu, 'none', nil)
- --barbar
- highlight("BufferCurrentTarget", colors.red, nil, 'none', nil)
- highlight("BufferVisibleTarget", colors.red, nil, 'none', nil)
- highlight("BufferInactiveTarget", colors.red, nil, 'none', nil)
- -- Link highlights
- vim.api.nvim_command('highlight link CompeDocumentation Pmenu')
- vim.api.nvim_command('highlight link CompeDocumentationBorder Pmenu')
- vim.api.nvim_command('highlight link CmpItemKind Pmenu')
- vim.api.nvim_command('highlight link CmpItemAbbr Pmenu')
- vim.api.nvim_command('highlight link CmpItemKindMethod TSMethod')
- vim.api.nvim_command('highlight link CmpItemKindText TSText')
- vim.api.nvim_command('highlight link CmpItemKindFunction TSFunction')
- vim.api.nvim_command('highlight link CmpItemKindConstructor TSType')
- vim.api.nvim_command('highlight link CmpItemKindVariable TSVariable')
- vim.api.nvim_command('highlight link CmpItemKindClass TSType')
- vim.api.nvim_command('highlight link CmpItemKindInterface TSType')
- vim.api.nvim_command('highlight link CmpItemKindModule TSNamespace')
- vim.api.nvim_command('highlight link CmpItemKindProperty TSProperty')
- vim.api.nvim_command('highlight link CmpItemKindOperator TSOperator')
- vim.api.nvim_command('highlight link CmpItemKindReference TSParameterReference')
- vim.api.nvim_command('highlight link CmpItemKindUnit TSField')
- vim.api.nvim_command('highlight link CmpItemKindValue TSField')
- vim.api.nvim_command('highlight link CmpItemKindField TSField')
- vim.api.nvim_command('highlight link CmpItemKindEnum TSField')
- vim.api.nvim_command('highlight link CmpItemKindKeyword TSKeyword')
- vim.api.nvim_command('highlight link CmpItemKindSnippet TSText')
- vim.api.nvim_command('highlight link CmpItemKindColor cssColor')
- vim.api.nvim_command('highlight link CmpItemKindFile TSURI')
- vim.api.nvim_command('highlight link CmpItemKindFolder TSURI')
- vim.api.nvim_command('highlight link CmpItemKindEvent TSConstant')
- vim.api.nvim_command('highlight link CmpItemKindEnumMember TSField')
- vim.api.nvim_command('highlight link CmpItemKindConstant TSConstant')
- vim.api.nvim_command('highlight link CmpItemKindStruct TSStructure')
- vim.api.nvim_command('highlight link CmpItemKindTypeParameter TSParameter')
+local local_opts = DEFAULT_OPTIONS
+---setup colorscheme
+---@param opts DefaultConfig | nil
+local function setup(opts)
+ cmd("hi clear")
+ if vim.fn.exists("syntax_on") then
+ cmd("syntax reset")
+ end
+ o.background = "dark"
+ o.termguicolors = true
+ g.colors_name = "dracula"
+ if type(opts) == "table" then
+ local_opts = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", DEFAULT_OPTIONS, opts)
+ end
+ apply(local_opts)
-return M;
+return {
+ setup = setup,
+ options = function() return local_opts end,
+ colors = function() return local_opts.colors end,