--- /dev/null
+# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
+# C extensions
+# Distribution / packaging
+# PyInstaller
+# Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
+# before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
+# Installer logs
+# Unit test / coverage reports
+# Translations
+# Django stuff:
+# Flask stuff:
+# Scrapy stuff:
+# Sphinx documentation
+# PyBuilder
+# Jupyter Notebook
+# IPython
+# pyenv
+# pipenv
+# According to pypa/pipenv#598, it is recommended to include Pipfile.lock in version control.
+# However, in case of collaboration, if having platform-specific dependencies or dependencies
+# having no cross-platform support, pipenv may install dependencies that don't work, or not
+# install all needed dependencies.
+# PEP 582; used by e.g. github.com/David-OConnor/pyflow
+# Celery stuff
+# SageMath parsed files
+# Environments
+# Spyder project settings
+# Rope project settings
+# mkdocs documentation
+# mypy
+# Pyre type checker
+# sqlite databse
--- /dev/null
+from aptbot.bot import Message, Commands, Bot
+import sqlite3
+import os
+PREFIX = '\\'
+PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+PATH = os.path.join(PATH, "..")
+def main(bot: Bot, message: Message):
+ msg = ' '.join(message.value.split(' ')[1:])
+ command = msg.split(' ')[0]
+ command_prefix = command[0]
+ command_name = command[1:]
+ command_value = msg = ' '.join(msg.split(' ')[1:])
+ if command_prefix != '?':
+ bot.send_privmsg(
+ message.channel,
+ f"{message.nick} you cannot use {command_prefix} as a prefix"
+ )
+ return
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(PATH, "database.db"))
+ c = conn.cursor()
+ try:
+ c.execute(
+ "INSERT INTO commands VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
+ (
+ command_name,
+ command_prefix,
+ 99,
+ command_value,
+ "",
+ )
+ )
+ except sqlite3.IntegrityError:
+ bot.send_privmsg(
+ message.channel,
+ f"The command {command_name} already exists."
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ bot.send_privmsg(
+ message.channel,
+ f"There was an error adding the command: {e}"
+ )
+ else:
+ bot.send_privmsg(
+ message.channel,
+ f"Successfully added {command_name}."
+ )
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.close()
--- /dev/null
+from aptbot.bot import Message, Commands, Bot
+import tools.permissions
+import tools.smart_privmsg
+import sqlite3
+import os
+PREFIX = '?'
+COMMANDS_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+PATH = os.path.join(COMMANDS_PATH, "..")
+def main(bot: Bot, message: Message):
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(PATH, "database.db"))
+ c = conn.cursor()
+ user_perm = tools.permissions.get_permission_from_id(
+ message.tags["user-id"]
+ )
+ print(f"user perm is: {user_perm}")
+ c.execute(
+ "SELECT prefix, command FROM commands WHERE permission >= ? ORDER BY permission ASC",
+ (
+ user_perm,
+ )
+ )
+ fetched_commands = c.fetchall()
+ print(f"fetched commands is: {fetched_commands}")
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.close()
+ commands = []
+ for command in fetched_commands:
+ commands.append(f"{command[0]}{command[1]}")
+ commands = ' '.join(commands)
+ print(f"commands is: {commands}")
+ tools.smart_privmsg.send(bot, message, commands)
--- /dev/null
+from aptbot.bot import Message, Commands, Bot
+import sqlite3
+import os
+PREFIX = '\\'
+COMMANDS_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+PATH = os.path.join(COMMANDS_PATH, "..")
+def main(bot: Bot, message: Message):
+ msg = ' '.join(message.value.split(' ')[1:])
+ command = msg.split(' ')[0]
+ command_prefix = command[0]
+ command_name = command[1:]
+ command_value = msg = ' '.join(msg.split(' ')[1:])
+ if command_prefix != '?':
+ bot.send_privmsg(
+ message.channel,
+ f"{message.nick} you cannot use {command_prefix} as a prefix"
+ )
+ return
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(PATH, "database.db"))
+ c = conn.cursor()
+ c.execute(
+ "SELECT value FROM commands WHERE command = ? AND prefix = ?",
+ (
+ command_name,
+ command_prefix,
+ )
+ )
+ if not c.fetchone()[0]:
+ bot.send_privmsg(
+ message.channel,
+ f"The command {command_prefix}{command_name} cannot be edited"
+ )
+ return
+ try:
+ c.execute(
+ "UPDATE commands SET value = ? WHERE command = ?",
+ (
+ command_value,
+ command_name,
+ )
+ )
+ except sqlite3.IntegrityError:
+ bot.send_privmsg(
+ message.channel,
+ f"The command {command_name} doesn't exist."
+ )
+ else:
+ bot.send_privmsg(
+ message.channel,
+ f"Successfully updated {command_name}."
+ )
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.close()
--- /dev/null
+from aptbot.bot import Message, Commands, Bot
+import tools.smart_privmsg
+import urllib3
+import os
+PREFIX = '?'
+OAUTH = os.getenv("APTBOT_OAUTH")
+ "Authorization": f"Bearer {OAUTH}",
+ "Client-Id": f"{CLIENT_ID}",
+ "Content-Type": "application/json",
+def main(bot: Bot, message: Message):
+ http = urllib3.PoolManager()
+ r1 = http.request(
+ "GET",
+ f"https://twitch.center/customapi/bttvemotes?channel={message.channel}",
+ headers=HEADER,
+ )
+ r2 = http.request(
+ "GET",
+ f"https://twitch.center/customapi/ffzemotes?channel={message.channel}",
+ headers=HEADER,
+ )
+ if r1.status != 200 or r2.status != 200:
+ bot.send_privmsg(
+ message.channel,
+ "NotLikeThis oopsie woopsie, we've made a fucky wucky. We can't \
+ get the emotes at the moment. Hopefuwwy UwU wiww wait patientwy \
+ tiww we get thiws pwobwem sowted. OwO"
+ )
+ return
+ emotes = r1.data.decode("utf-8")
+ emotes += " " + r2.data.decode("utf-8")
+ tools.smart_privmsg.send(bot, message, emotes)
--- /dev/null
+from aptbot.bot import Message, Commands, Bot
+import sqlite3
+import os
+PREFIX = '\\'
+COMMANDS_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+PATH = os.path.join(COMMANDS_PATH, "..")
+def main(bot: Bot, message: Message):
+ msg = ' '.join(message.value.split(' ')[1:])
+ command = msg.split(' ')[0]
+ command_prefix = command[0]
+ command_name = command[1:]
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(PATH, "database.db"))
+ c = conn.cursor()
+ c.execute(
+ "SELECT value FROM commands WHERE command = ? AND prefix = ?",
+ (
+ command_name,
+ command_prefix,
+ )
+ )
+ command_path = os.path.join(COMMANDS_PATH, f"{command_name}.py")
+ hidden_command_path = os.path.join(COMMANDS_PATH, f".{command_name}.py")
+ try:
+ if not c.fetchone()[0]:
+ try:
+ os.rename(command_path, hidden_command_path)
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ pass
+ except TypeError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ c.execute(
+ "DELETE FROM commands WHERE command = ? AND prefix = ?",
+ (
+ command_name,
+ command_prefix,
+ )
+ )
+ except sqlite3.IntegrityError:
+ bot.send_privmsg(
+ message.channel,
+ f"The command {command_name} doesn't exist."
+ )
+ else:
+ bot.send_privmsg(
+ message.channel,
+ f"Successfully removed {command_name}."
+ )
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.close()
--- /dev/null
+from aptbot.bot import Message, Commands, Bot
+PREFIX = '?'
+def main(bot: Bot, message: Message):
+ msg = message.nick + " you have been scammed KEKW"
+ bot.send_privmsg(message.channel, msg)
--- /dev/null
+from aptbot.bot import Message, Commands, Bot
+import tools.smart_privmsg
+PREFIX = '?'
+def main(bot: Bot, message: Message):
+ msg = ' '.join(message.value.split(' ')[1:])
+ msg = (msg + ' ') * 10
+ tools.smart_privmsg.send(bot, message, msg)
+ # bot.send_privmsg(message.channel, msg)
--- /dev/null
+import tools.raid
+import tools.smart_privmsg
+import tools.permissions
+from aptbot.bot import Bot, Message, Commands
+import os
+import importlib
+import importlib.util
+import sqlite3
+from importlib import reload
+import traceback
+import ttv_api.users
+PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+COMMANDS_PATH = os.path.join(PATH, "commands")
+commands = [
+ c for c in os.listdir(COMMANDS_PATH) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(COMMANDS_PATH, c))
+specs = {}
+for command in commands:
+ if not command.split('.')[0]:
+ continue
+ specs[command.split('.')[0]] = (
+ importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(
+ f"{command.split('.')[0]}",
+ os.path.join(COMMANDS_PATH, command)
+ )
+ )
+modules = {}
+for command in specs:
+ modules[command] = importlib.util.module_from_spec(specs[command])
+ if not specs[command]:
+ continue
+ try:
+ specs[command].loader.exec_module(modules[command])
+ except Exception as e:
+ print()
+ print(traceback.format_exc())
+ print(f"Problem Loading Module: {e}")
+def create_database():
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(PATH, "database.db"))
+ c = conn.cursor()
+ try:
+ c.execute("""CREATE TABLE commands (
+ command text PRIMARY KEY,
+ prefix text,
+ permission integer,
+ value text,
+ description text,
+ user_cooldown int,
+ global_cooldown int
+ )""")
+ except sqlite3.OperationalError:
+ print("Table commands exists")
+ try:
+ c.execute("""CREATE TABLE users (
+ user_id text PRIMARY KEY,
+ permission integer
+ )""")
+ except sqlite3.OperationalError:
+ print("Table users exists")
+ else:
+ aptbot_id = ttv_api.users.get_users(user_logins=["skgyorugo"])
+ if aptbot_id:
+ c.execute("INSERT INTO users VALUES (?, ?)",
+ (aptbot_id[0].user_id, 0))
+ try:
+ c.execute("""CREATE TABLE cooldowns (
+ user_id text,
+ command text,
+ prefix text,
+ user_cooldown integer,
+ global_cooldown integer,
+ PRIMARY KEY (user_id, command)
+ )""")
+ except sqlite3.OperationalError:
+ print("Table cooldowns exists")
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.close()
+def update_commands_in_database():
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(PATH, "database.db"))
+ c = conn.cursor()
+ for command in commands:
+ command_name = command.split('.')[0]
+ command_permission = modules[command_name].PERMISSION
+ command_prefix = modules[command_name].PREFIX
+ command_description = modules[command_name].DESCRIPTION
+ command_user_cooldown = modules[command_name].USER_COOLDOWN
+ command_global_cooldown = modules[command_name].GLOBAL_COOLDOWN
+ # try:
+ c.execute(
+ "REPLACE INTO commands VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
+ (
+ command_name,
+ command_prefix,
+ command_permission,
+ None,
+ command_description,
+ command_user_cooldown,
+ command_global_cooldown,
+ )
+ )
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.close()
+def main(bot: Bot, message: Message):
+ if message.command == Commands.PRIVMSG:
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(PATH, "database.db"))
+ c = conn.cursor()
+ command = message.value.split(' ')[0]
+ prefix = command[0]
+ command = command[1:]
+ c.execute("SELECT * FROM commands WHERE command = ?", (command,))
+ fetched_command = c.fetchone()
+ user_perm = tools.permissions.get_permission_from_id(
+ message.tags["user-id"]
+ )
+ message_timestamp = int(message.tags["tmi-sent-ts"]) // 1000
+ if fetched_command and prefix == fetched_command[1] and user_perm <= fetched_command[2]:
+ c.execute(
+ "SELECT global_cooldown FROM cooldowns WHERE command = ? ORDER BY global_cooldown DESC",
+ (command, )
+ )
+ try:
+ fetched_global_cooldown = c.fetchone()[0]
+ except TypeError:
+ fetched_global_cooldown = 0
+ c.execute(
+ "SELECT user_cooldown FROM cooldowns WHERE user_id = ? AND command = ?",
+ (message.tags["user-id"], command)
+ )
+ try:
+ fetched_user_cooldown = c.fetchone()[0]
+ except TypeError:
+ fetched_user_cooldown = 0
+ cooldown = max(fetched_global_cooldown, fetched_user_cooldown)
+ if message_timestamp > cooldown:
+ c.execute(
+ "SELECT user_cooldown, global_cooldown FROM commands WHERE command = ?",
+ (command, )
+ )
+ user_cooldown, global_cooldown = c.fetchone()
+ c.execute(
+ "REPLACE INTO cooldowns VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
+ (
+ message.tags["user-id"],
+ command,
+ prefix,
+ user_cooldown + message_timestamp,
+ global_cooldown + message_timestamp,
+ )
+ )
+ conn.commit()
+ if not fetched_command[3]:
+ modules[command].main(bot, message)
+ elif fetched_command[3]:
+ tools.smart_privmsg.send(bot, message, fetched_command[3])
+ else:
+ bot.send_privmsg(
+ message.channel,
+ f"The command '{prefix}{command}' is on cooldown. \
+ Please wait {int(cooldown - message_timestamp) + 1} seconds."
+ )
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.close()
+ tools.raid.raid(bot, message)
--- /dev/null
+import os
+import sqlite3
+TOOLS_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+PATH = os.path.join(TOOLS_PATH, "..")
+def get_permission_from_id(user_id: str) -> int:
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(PATH, "database.db"))
+ c = conn.cursor()
+ c.execute("SELECT permission FROM users WHERE user_id = ?", (user_id,))
+ fetched_user = c.fetchone()
+ if fetched_user:
+ return fetched_user[0]
--- /dev/null
+from aptbot.bot import Bot, Message, Commands
+def raid(bot: Bot, message: Message):
+ if message.command == Commands.USERNOTICE:
+ if message.tags["msg-id"] == "raid":
+ raider_name = message.tags["msg-param-displayName"]
+ raider_login = message.tags["msg-param-login"]
+ raider_id = message.tags["user-id"]
+ raider_game = ""
+ if raider_id:
+ raider_channel_info = "channel info here"
+ viewers = message.tags["msg-param-viewerCount"]
+ viewers = f"{viewers} viewer" if viewers == "1" else f"{viewers} viewers"
+ msg_reply = f"POGGERS {raider_name} has raided {message.channel} with {viewers}!!! Why don\'t you check them out at https://twitch.tv/{raider_login}"
+ if raider_game:
+ msg_reply += f' they were just playing {raider_game}.'
+ bot.send_privmsg(message.channel, msg_reply)
--- /dev/null
+from aptbot.bot import Bot, Message, Commands
+def _split_message(message: str) -> list[str]:
+ split_count = len(message) // MAX_LENGTH + 1
+ words = message.split(' ')
+ word_list = [''] * split_count
+ index = 0
+ for word in words:
+ if len(word_list[index]) >= MAX_LENGTH:
+ index += 1
+ word_list[index] += word + ' '
+ return word_list
+def send(bot: Bot, message_data: Message, message: str):
+ # msg = ' '.join(message_data.value.split(' ')[1:])
+ # msg = split_message(msg)
+ for msg in _split_message(' '.join(message_data.value.split(' ')[1:])):
+ message = message.replace("{message}", msg)
+ message = message.replace("{nick}", message_data.nick)
+ message = message.replace("{channel}", message_data.channel)
+ messages = _split_message(message)
+ bot.send_privmsg(message_data.channel, messages)