return {
- Normal = colors.fw_base,
+ Normal = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.bg },
NormalFloat = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.base6 },
Comment = { fg = colors.comment, italic = configs.italic_comment },
Constant = colors.fw_teal,
StorageClass = colors.fw_purple,
Structure = colors.fw_orange,
TypeDef = { fg = colors.yellow },
- Special = { fg = colors.green_text, bg = colors.green_bg}, --italic = true },
+ Special = { fg = colors.green_text, bg = colors.green_bg }, --italic = true },
SpecialComment = { fg = colors.comment, italic = true },
Error = colors.fw_red,
Todo = { fg = colors.blue_text, bg = colors.blue_bg, bold = true, italic = true },
StatusLineTermNC = { fg = colors.comment },
Directory = colors.fw_teal,
MoreMsg = colors.fw_green,
- ModeMsg = {bold = true},
+ ModeMsg = { bold = true },
DiffAdd = colors.fw_green,
DiffChange = colors.fw_orange,
DiffDelete = colors.fw_red,
["@constant"] = colors.fw_teal,
["@constant.builtin"] = colors.fw_teal,
["@symbol"] = colors.fw_base,
- ["@comment"] = {fg=colors.yellow_text, bg=colors.yellow_bg, italic=configs.italic_comment}, --colors.fw_yellow, --{ fg = colors.base2, italic = true },
+ ["@comment"] = { fg = colors.yellow_text, bg = colors.yellow_bg, italic = configs.italic_comment }, --colors.fw_yellow, --{ fg = colors.base2, italic = true },
["@constant.macro"] = colors.fw_teal,
["@string.regex"] = colors.fw_red,
["@string"] = colors.fw_green,
["@function"] = configs.bold_function and colors.fw_base_bold or colors.fw_base,
["@function.builtin"] = configs.bold_function and colors.fw_base_bold or colors.fw_base,
["@function.macro"] = configs.bold_function and colors.fw_base_bold or colors.fw_base,
- ["@parameter"] = colors.fw_base,
- ["@parameter.reference"] = colors.fw_base,
+ ["@parameter"] = colors.fw_orange,
+ ["@parameter.reference"] = colors.fw_orange,
["@method"] = configs.bold_function and colors.fw_base_bold or colors.fw_base,
["@field"] = colors.fw_base,
["@string.field"] = colors.fw_base,
NeogitDiffDeleteHighlight = colors.fw_red,
NeogitDiffContextHighlight = { bg = colors.base5 }, --{bold = true},
NeogitHunkHeader = colors.fw_purple,
+ NeogitNotificationInfo = colors.fw_blue,
+ NeogitNotificationWarning = colors.fw_orange,
+ NeogitNotificationError = colors.fw_red,
-- NeogitHunkHeaderHighlight = {reverse = true},
+ -- Illuminate
+ -- IlluminatedWordText = { bg = colors.base6, underline = true },
+ -- IlluminatedWordRead = { bg = colors.base6, underline = true },
+ -- IlluminatedWordWrite = { bg = colors.base6, underline = true },