-- time format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM (UTC+00:00, but dont show timezone).
-- max line length in log should be 72 bytes.
-- use UTC+0000 timestamps, dont use server time.
-- make lines in diffs a link.
-- make lines in files a link?
+- optimize git_diff_get_stats.
+- speed up generating files.
+- be smarter about changes (an existing commit can never change the diff page).
+? add pagination to log.html for > 5000 entries?
-- write atom feed (git log).
+- time format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM (always use UTC+00:00, but don't show timezone).
-- program to write index for multiple repos: urmoms-index <repodir>...
+- make top menu look nicer in links/lynx again.
-x read README and LICENSE from repo (so for bare repos it works too).
- rewrite concat to escape HTML ?
-- make baseurl in HTML page (header) configurable.
-- be smarter about changes (an existing commit can never change the diff page).
- add raw link to latest files: raw/file...
-- add summary page?
-- add diffstat to diff page? + and - lines summary?
-- escape HTML: < > ' " etc, maybe even use CDATA ?
-- shorter date format for logs.html page.
-- speed up generating files.
-- for files link to the commit but make the filename a link anchor.
-- link to lines in file view! / commit log?
-- show all the tags and branches as list.
-- show commits for all tags and branches???
+- checkout files in separate directory.
+- format text files in repo with lines, make the link linkable with an "anchor".
- able to add link to git url: git://url... per project.
+? add summary page?
+? show all the tags and branches as list.
+? show commits for more tags and branches?
-x default to log view (stateless).
-x no tarballs, snapshots and such.
-x add stylesheet + 2f30/suckless logo.
+- program to write index for multiple repos: urmoms-index <repodir>...