["@constant"] = colors.fw_teal,
["@constant.builtin"] = colors.fw_teal,
["@symbol"] = colors.fw_base,
- ["@comment"] = { fg = colors.base2, italic = true },
+ ["@comment"] = {fg=colors.yellow_text, bg=colors.yellow_bg, italic=true}, --colors.fw_yellow, --{ fg = colors.base2, italic = true },
["@constant.macro"] = colors.fw_teal,
["@string.regex"] = colors.fw_red,
["@string"] = colors.fw_green,
["@annotation"] = colors.fw_blue,
["@attribute"] = colors.fw_blue,
["@namespace"] = colors.fw_base,
- ["@function.builtin"] = colors.fw_base_bold,
- ["@function"] = colors.fw_yellow,
- ["@function.macro"] = colors.fw_base_bold,
+ ["@function"] = configs.bold_function and colors.fw_base_bold or colors.fw_base,
+ ["@function.builtin"] = configs.bold_function and colors.fw_base_bold or colors.fw_base,
+ ["@function.macro"] = configs.bold_function and colors.fw_base_bold or colors.fw_base,
["@parameter"] = colors.fw_base,
["@parameter.reference"] = colors.fw_base,
- ["@method"] = colors.fw_base,
+ ["@method"] = configs.bold_function and colors.fw_base_bold or colors.fw_base,
["@field"] = colors.fw_base,
["@string.field"] = colors.fw_base,
["@property"] = colors.fw_base,
local yellow_text = "#5b5a43"
local yellow_text_sec = "#a9994c"
-local yellow_bg = "#f3eec4"
+-- local yellow_bg = "#f3eec4"
-- local yellow_bg = "#F2EDC0"
+-- local yellow_bg = "#F2EaC0"
+-- local yellow_bg = "#fcf2bf"
+-- local yellow_bg = "#f3e7c4"
+local yellow_bg = "#f9f0c2"
+-- local yellow_bg = "#f9ebc3"
local orange_text = "#5b5143"
local orange_text_sec = "#957f5f"
local orange_bg = "#f7e0c3"