The same works in viml
+" customize dracula color palette
+lua << EOF
+vim.g.dracula_colors = {
+ bg = "#282A36",
+ fg = "#F8F8F2",
+ selection = "#44475A",
+ comment = "#6272A4",
+ red = "#FF5555",
+ orange = "#FFB86C",
+ yellow = "#F1FA8C",
+ green = "#50fa7b",
+ purple = "#BD93F9",
+ cyan = "#8BE9FD",
+ pink = "#FF79C6",
+ bright_red = "#FF6E6E",
+ bright_green = "#69FF94",
+ bright_yellow = "#FFFFA5",
+ bright_blue = "#D6ACFF",
+ bright_magenta = "#FF92DF",
+ bright_cyan = "#A4FFFF",
+ bright_white = "#FFFFFF",
+ menu = "#21222C",
+ visual = "#3E4452",
+ gutter_fg = "#4B5263",
+ nontext = "#3B4048",
+" Enable/disable animations
+let bufferline.animation = v:true
" show the '~' characters after the end of buffers
let g:dracula_show_end_of_buffer = 1
" use transparent background