---@return table<string, Highlight>
local function setup(configs)
- local colors = configs.colors
- local endOfBuffer = {
- fg = configs.show_end_of_buffer and colors.visual or colors.bg,
- }
- return {
- Normal = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.bg },
- NormalFloat = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.base6 },
- Comment = { fg = colors.comment, italic = configs.italic_comment },
- Constant = { fg = colors.yellow },
- String = colors.fw_green,
- Character = colors.fw_green,
- Number = { fg = colors.orange },
- Boolean = { fg = colors.cyan },
- Float = { fg = colors.orange },
- FloatBorder = { fg = colors.white },
- Operator = { fg = colors.purple },
- Keyword = colors.fw_purple,
- Keywords = colors.fw_purple,
- Identifier = { fg = colors.cyan },
- Function = { fg = colors.yellow },
- Statement = { fg = colors.purple },
- Conditional = { fg = colors.pink },
- Repeat = { fg = colors.pink },
- Label = { fg = colors.cyan },
- Exception = { fg = colors.purple },
- PreProc = { fg = colors.yellow },
- Include = { fg = colors.purple },
- Define = { fg = colors.purple },
- Title = { fg = colors.cyan },
- Macro = { fg = colors.purple },
- PreCondit = { fg = colors.cyan },
- Type = { fg = colors.cyan },
- StorageClass = { fg = colors.pink },
- Structure = { fg = colors.yellow },
- TypeDef = { fg = colors.yellow },
- Special = { fg = colors.green, italic = true },
- SpecialComment = { fg = colors.comment, italic = true },
- Error = colors.fw_red,
- Todo = { fg = colors.blue_text, bg=colors.blue_bg, bold = true, italic = true },
- Underlined = { fg = colors.cyan, underline = true },
- Cursor = { reverse = true },
- SignColumn = { bg = colors.bg },
- Conceal = { fg = colors.comment },
- CursorColumn = { bg = colors.black },
- CursorLine = {bg = colors.base4 },
- CursorLineNr = {bg = colors.base4 },
- ColorColumn = { bg = colors.selection },
- StatusLine = { fg = colors.white, bg = colors.black },
- StatusLineNC = { fg = colors.comment },
- StatusLineTerm = { fg = colors.white, bg = colors.black },
- StatusLineTermNC = { fg = colors.comment },
- Directory = colors.fw_teal,
- DiffAdd = colors.fw_green,
- DiffChange = colors.fw_orange,
- DiffDelete = colors.fw_red,
- DiffText = { fg = colors.comment },
- ErrorMsg = { fg = colors.bright_red },
- VertSplit = { fg = colors.black },
- Folded = { fg = colors.comment },
- FoldColumn = {},
- Search = { fg = colors.bg, bg = colors.purple_text_sec },
- IncSearch = { fg = colors.bg, bg = colors.purple_text_sec },
- -- IncSearch = { fg = colors.orange, bg = colors.comment },
- LineNr = { fg = colors.comment },
- MatchParen = { fg = colors.bg, bg = colors.blue_text_sec },
- NonText = { fg = colors.nontext },
- Pmenu = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.menu },
- PmenuSel = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.base6 },
- PmenuSbar = { bg = colors.menu },
- PmenuThumb = { bg = colors.base3 },
- Question = { fg = colors.purple },
- QuickFixLine = { fg = colors.black, bg = colors.yellow },
- SpecialKey = { fg = colors.nontext },
- SpellBad = { fg = colors.bright_red, underline = true },
- SpellCap = { fg = colors.yellow },
- SpellLocal = { fg = colors.yellow },
- SpellRare = { fg = colors.yellow },
- TabLine = { fg = colors.comment, bg = colors.base4 },
- TabLineSel = { fg = colors.white },
- TabLineFill = { bg = colors.base4 },
- Terminal = { fg = colors.white, bg = colors.black },
- Visual = { bg = colors.visual },
- VisualNOS = { fg = colors.visual },
- WarningMsg = { fg = colors.yellow },
- WildMenu = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.menu },
- EndOfBuffer = endOfBuffer,
- WinSeparator = { fg = colors.base3 },
- -- TreeSitter
- ["@error"] = colors.fw_red,
- ["@punctuation.delimiter"] = { fg = colors.fg },
- ["@punctuation.bracket"] = { fg = colors.fg },
- -- ["@punctuation.special"] = { fg = colors.fg },
- ["@punctuation.special"] = { fg = colors.fg },
- ["@constant"] = colors.fw_teal,
- ["@constant.builtin"] = colors.fw_teal,
- ["@symbol"] = { fg = colors.fg },
- ["@comment"] = { fg = colors.base2, italic = true },
- ["@constant.macro"] = colors.fw_teal,
- ["@string.regex"] = colors.fw_red,
- ["@string"] = colors.fw_green,
- ["@string.escape"] = colors.fw_blue,
- ["@character"] = colors.fw_green,
- ["@number"] = colors.fw_teal,
- ["@boolean"] = colors.fw_teal,
- ["@float"] = colors.fw_teal,
- ["@annotation"] = { fg = colors.yellow },
- ["@attribute"] = colors.fw_blue,
- ["@namespace"] = { fg = colors.fg },
- ["@function.builtin"] = { fg = colors.fg }, --, bold = true },
- ["@function"] = { fg = colors.fg }, -- bold = true },
- ["@function.macro"] = { fg = colors.fg },
- ["@parameter"] = { fg = colors.fg },
- ["@parameter.reference"] = { fg = colors.fg },
- ["@method"] = { fg = colors.fg }, --, bold = true },
- ["@field"] = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.bg },
- -- ["@string.field"] = { fg = colors.fg },
- ["@property"] = { fg = colors.fg },
- ["@constructor"] = { fg = colors.fg },
- ["@conditional"] = colors.fw_purple,
- ["@repeat"] = colors.fw_purple,
- ["@label"] = colors.fw_teal,
- ["@keyword"] = colors.fw_purple,
- ["@keyword.function"] = colors.fw_purple,
- ["@keyword.operator"] = colors.fw_purple,
- ["@operator"] = { fg = colors.fg },
- ["@exception"] = colors.fw_purple,
- ["@type"] = colors.fw_teal,
- ["@type.builtin"] = colors.fw_teal,
- ["@type.qualifier"] = colors.fw_purple,
- ["@structure"] = colors.fw_purple,
- ["@include"] = colors.fw_purple,
- ["@variable"] = { fg = colors.fg },
- ["@variable.builtin"] = { fg = colors.fg },
- ["@text"] = { fg = colors.orange },
- ["@text.strong"] = { fg = colors.orange, bold = true }, -- bold
- ["@text.emphasis"] = { fg = colors.yellow, italic = true }, -- italic
- ["@text.underline"] = { fg = colors.orange, underline = true },
- ["@text.title"] = { fg = colors.purple_text, bg = colors.purple_bg, bold = true }, -- title
- ["@text.literal"] = colors.fw_orange,
- ["@text.uri"] = { fg = colors.blue_text, bg = colors.blue_bg, italic = true }, -- urls
- ["@text.reference"] = { fg = colors.orange, bold = true },
- ["@tag"] = colors.fw_purple,
- ["@tag.attribute"] = {fg = colors.base2, italic=true},
- ["@tag.delimiter"] = { fg = colors.base2 },
- -- Semantic
- ["@class"] = { fg = colors.cyan },
- ["@struct"] = { fg = colors.cyan },
- ["@enum"] = { fg = colors.cyan },
- ["@enumMember"] = { fg = colors.purple },
- ["@event"] = { fg = colors.cyan },
- ["@interface"] = { fg = colors.cyan },
- ["@modifier"] = { fg = colors.cyan },
- ["@regexp"] = { fg = colors.yellow },
- ["@typeParameter"] = { fg = colors.cyan },
- ["@decorator"] = { fg = colors.cyan },
- -- HTML
- htmlArg = { fg = colors.green },
- htmlBold = { fg = colors.yellow, bold = true },
- htmlEndTag = { fg = colors.cyan },
- htmlH1 = { fg = colors.pink },
- htmlH2 = { fg = colors.pink },
- htmlH3 = { fg = colors.pink },
- htmlH4 = { fg = colors.pink },
- htmlH5 = { fg = colors.pink },
- htmlH6 = { fg = colors.pink },
- htmlItalic = { fg = colors.purple, italic = true },
- htmlLink = { fg = colors.purple, underline = true },
- htmlSpecialChar = { fg = colors.yellow },
- htmlSpecialTagName = { fg = colors.cyan },
- htmlTag = { fg = colors.cyan },
- htmlTagN = { fg = colors.cyan },
- htmlTagName = { fg = colors.cyan },
- htmlTitle = { fg = colors.white },
- -- Markdown
- markdownBlockquote = { fg = colors.yellow, italic = true },
- markdownBold = { fg = colors.orange, bold = true },
- markdownCode = { fg = colors.green },
- markdownCodeBlock = { fg = colors.orange },
- markdownCodeDelimiter = { fg = colors.red },
- markdownH1 = { fg = colors.pink, bold = true },
- markdownH2 = { fg = colors.pink, bold = true },
- markdownH3 = { fg = colors.pink, bold = true },
- markdownH4 = { fg = colors.pink, bold = true },
- markdownH5 = { fg = colors.pink, bold = true },
- markdownH6 = { fg = colors.pink, bold = true },
- markdownHeadingDelimiter = { fg = colors.red },
- markdownHeadingRule = { fg = colors.comment },
- markdownId = { fg = colors.purple },
- markdownIdDeclaration = { fg = colors.cyan },
- markdownIdDelimiter = { fg = colors.purple },
- markdownItalic = { fg = colors.yellow, italic = true },
- markdownLinkDelimiter = { fg = colors.purple },
- markdownLinkText = { fg = colors.pink },
- markdownListMarker = { fg = colors.cyan },
- markdownOrderedListMarker = { fg = colors.red },
- markdownRule = { fg = colors.comment },
- -- Diff
- diffAdded = { fg = colors.green },
- diffRemoved = { fg = colors.red },
- diffFileId = { fg = colors.yellow, bold = true, reverse = true },
- diffFile = { fg = colors.nontext },
- diffNewFile = { fg = colors.green },
- diffOldFile = { fg = colors.red },
- debugPc = { bg = colors.cyan },
- debugBreakpoint = { fg = colors.red, reverse = true },
- -- Git Signs
- GitSignsAdd = colors.fw_green,
- GitSignsChange = colors.fw_orange,
- GitSignsDelete = colors.fw_red,
- GitSignsAddLn = { fg = colors.black, bg = colors.bright_green },
- GitSignsChangeLn = { fg = colors.black, bg = colors.cyan },
- GitSignsDeleteLn = { fg = colors.black, bg = colors.bright_red },
- GitSignsCurrentLineBlame = { fg = colors.white },
- -- Telescope
- TelescopePromptBorder = { fg = colors.comment },
- TelescopeResultsBorder = { fg = colors.comment },
- TelescopePreviewBorder = { fg = colors.comment },
- TelescopeSelection = { fg = colors.white, bg = colors.selection },
- TelescopeMultiSelection = { fg = colors.purple, bg = colors.selection },
- TelescopeNormal = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.bg },
- TelescopeMatching = colors.fw_green,
- -- TelescopePromptPrefix = colors.fw_purple,
- -- NvimTree
- NvimTreeNormal = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.menu },
- NvimTreeVertSplit = { fg = colors.bg, bg = colors.bg },
- NvimTreeRootFolder = { fg = colors.fg, bold = true },
- NvimTreeGitDirty = { fg = colors.yellow },
- NvimTreeGitNew = { fg = colors.bright_green },
- NvimTreeImageFile = { fg = colors.pink },
- NvimTreeFolderIcon = { fg = colors.purple },
- NvimTreeIndentMarker = { fg = colors.nontext },
- NvimTreeEmptyFolderName = { fg = colors.comment },
- NvimTreeFolderName = { fg = colors.fg },
- NvimTreeSpecialFile = { fg = colors.pink, underline = true },
- NvimTreeOpenedFolderName = { fg = colors.fg },
- NvimTreeCursorLine = { bg = colors.selection },
- NvimTreeIn = { bg = colors.selection },
- NvimTreeEndOfBuffer = endOfBuffer,
- -- NeoTree
- NeoTreeNormal = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.menu },
- NeoTreeNormalNC = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.menu },
- NeoTreeDirectoryName = { fg = colors.fg },
- NeoTreeGitUnstaged = { fg = colors.bright_magenta },
- NeoTreeGitModified = { fg = colors.bright_magenta },
- NeoTreeGitUntracked = { fg = colors.bright_green },
- NeoTreeDirectoryIcon = { fg = colors.purple },
- NeoTreeIndentMarker = { fg = colors.nontext },
- NeoTreeDotfile = { fg = colors.comment },
- -- Bufferline
- BufferLineIndicatorSelected = { fg = colors.purple },
- BufferLineFill = { bg = colors.black },
- BufferLineBufferSelected = { bg = colors.bg },
- -- LSP
- DiagnosticError = { fg = colors.red },
- DiagnosticWarn = { fg = colors.yellow },
- DiagnosticInfo = { fg = colors.cyan },
- DiagnosticHint = { fg = colors.cyan },
- DiagnosticUnderlineError = { undercurl = true, sp = colors.red },
- DiagnosticUnderlineWarn = { undercurl = true, sp = colors.yellow },
- DiagnosticUnderlineInfo = { undercurl = true, sp = colors.cyan },
- DiagnosticUnderlineHint = { undercurl = true, sp = colors.cyan },
- DiagnosticSignError = colors.fw_red,
- DiagnosticSignWarn = colors.fw_orange,
- DiagnosticSignInfo = colors.fw_teal,
- DiagnosticSignHint = colors.fw_teal,
- DiagnosticFloatingError = { fg = colors.red },
- DiagnosticFloatingWarn = { fg = colors.yellow },
- DiagnosticFloatingInfo = { fg = colors.cyan },
- DiagnosticFloatingHint = { fg = colors.cyan },
- DiagnosticVirtualTextError = { fg = colors.red },
- DiagnosticVirtualTextWarn = { fg = colors.yellow },
- DiagnosticVirtualTextInfo = { fg = colors.cyan },
- DiagnosticVirtualTextHint = { fg = colors.cyan },
- LspDiagnosticsDefaultError = { fg = colors.red },
- LspDiagnosticsDefaultWarning = { fg = colors.yellow },
- LspDiagnosticsDefaultInformation = { fg = colors.cyan },
- LspDiagnosticsDefaultHint = { fg = colors.cyan },
- LspDiagnosticsUnderlineError = { fg = colors.red, undercurl = true },
- LspDiagnosticsUnderlineWarning = { fg = colors.yellow, undercurl = true },
- LspDiagnosticsUnderlineInformation = { fg = colors.cyan, undercurl = true },
- LspDiagnosticsUnderlineHint = { fg = colors.cyan, undercurl = true },
- LspReferenceText = { fg = colors.orange },
- LspReferenceRead = { fg = colors.orange },
- LspReferenceWrite = { fg = colors.orange },
- LspCodeLens = { fg = colors.cyan },
- --LSP Saga
- -- LspFloatWinNormal = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.menu },
- -- LspFloatWinBorder = { fg = colors.comment },
- -- LspSagaHoverBorder = { fg = colors.comment },
- -- LspSagaSignatureHelpBorder = { fg = colors.comment },
- -- LspSagaCodeActionBorder = { fg = colors.comment },
- -- LspSagaDefPreviewBorder = { fg = colors.comment },
- -- LspLinesDiagBorder = { fg = colors.comment },
- -- LspSagaRenameBorder = { fg = colors.comment },
- -- LspSagaBorderTitle = { fg = colors.menu },
- -- LSPSagaDiagnosticTruncateLine = { fg = colors.comment },
- -- LspSagaDiagnosticBorder = { fg = colors.comment },
- -- LspSagaShTruncateLine = { fg = colors.comment },
- -- LspSagaDocTruncateLine = { fg = colors.comment },
- -- LspSagaLspFinderBorder = { fg = colors.comment },
- -- IndentBlankLine
- IndentBlanklineContextChar = { fg = colors.bright_red, nocombine = true },
- -- Whitespace = { fg = colors.base3 },
- IndentBlanklineChar = { fg = colors.base4 },
- -- Nvim compe
- CmpItemAbbrDeprecated = { strikethrough=true},
- CmpItemAbbrMatch = colors.fw_green,
- --barbar
- BufferCurrentTarget = { fg = colors.red },
- BufferVisibleTarget = { fg = colors.red },
- BufferInactiveTarget = { fg = colors.red },
- -- Compe
- CompeDocumentation = { link = "Pmenu" },
- CompeDocumentationBorder = { link = "Pmenu" },
- -- Cmp
- CmpItemKind = { link = "Pmenu" },
- CmpItemAbbr = { link = "Pmenu" },
- CmpItemKindMethod = { link = "@method" },
- CmpItemKindText = { link = "@text" },
- CmpItemKindFunction = { link = "@function" },
- CmpItemKindConstructor = { link = "@type" },
- CmpItemKindVariable = { link = "@variable" },
- CmpItemKindClass = { link = "@type" },
- CmpItemKindInterface = { link = "@type" },
- CmpItemKindModule = { link = "@namespace" },
- CmpItemKindProperty = { link = "@property" },
- CmpItemKindOperator = { link = "@operator" },
- CmpItemKindReference = { link = "@parameter.reference" },
- CmpItemKindUnit = { link = "@field" },
- CmpItemKindValue = { link = "@field" },
- CmpItemKindField = { link = "@field" },
- CmpItemKindEnum = { link = "@field" },
- CmpItemKindKeyword = { link = "@keyword" },
- CmpItemKindSnippet = { link = "@text" },
- CmpItemKindColor = { link = "DevIconCss" },
- CmpItemKindFile = { link = "TSURI" },
- CmpItemKindFolder = { link = "TSURI" },
- CmpItemKindEvent = { link = "@constant" },
- CmpItemKindEnumMember = { link = "@field" },
- CmpItemKindConstant = { link = "@constant" },
- CmpItemKindStruct = { link = "@structure" },
- CmpItemKindTypeParameter = { link = "@parameter" },
- -- navic
- NavicIconsFile = { link = "CmpItemKindFile" },
- NavicIconsModule = { link = "CmpItemKindModule" },
- NavicIconsNamespace = { link = "CmpItemKindModule" },
- NavicIconsPackage = { link = "CmpItemKindModule" },
- NavicIconsClass = { link = "CmpItemKindClass" },
- NavicIconsMethod = { link = "CmpItemKindMethod" },
- NavicIconsProperty = { link = "CmpItemKindProperty" },
- NavicIconsField = { link = "CmpItemKindField" },
- NavicIconsConstructor = { link = "CmpItemKindConstructor" },
- NavicIconsEnum = { link = "CmpItemKindEnum" },
- NavicIconsInterface = { link = "CmpItemKindInterface" },
- NavicIconsFunction = { link = "CmpItemKindFunction" },
- NavicIconsVariable = { link = "CmpItemKindVariable" },
- NavicIconsConstant = { link = "CmpItemKindConstant" },
- NavicIconsString = { link = "String" },
- NavicIconsNumber = { link = "Number" },
- NavicIconsBoolean = { link = "Boolean" },
- NavicIconsArray = { link = "CmpItemKindClass" },
- NavicIconsObject = { link = "CmpItemKindClass" },
- NavicIconsKey = { link = "CmpItemKindKeyword" },
- NavicIconsKeyword = { link = "CmpItemKindKeyword" },
- NavicIconsNull = { fg = "blue" },
- NavicIconsEnumMember = { link = "CmpItemKindEnumMember" },
- NavicIconsStruct = { link = "CmpItemKindStruct" },
- NavicIconsEvent = { link = "CmpItemKindEvent" },
- NavicIconsOperator = { link = "CmpItemKindOperator" },
- NavicIconsTypeParameter = { link = "CmpItemKindTypeParameter" },
- NavicText = { fg = "gray" },
- NavicSeparator = { fg = "gray" },
- -- TS rainbow colors
- rainbowcol1 = { fg = colors.red },
- rainbowcol2 = { fg = colors.green },
- rainbowcol3 = { fg = colors.yellow },
- rainbowcol4 = { fg = colors.purple },
- rainbowcol5 = { fg = colors.pink },
- rainbowcol6 = { fg = colors.cyan },
- rainbowcol7 = { fg = colors.white },
- -- Leap
- LeapMatch = { fg = colors.bg, bg = colors.purple_text_sec },
- LeapLabelPrimary = { fg = colors.bg, bg = colors.purple_text_sec },
- LeapLabelSecondary = { fg = colors.bg, bg = colors.green_text_sec },
- -- Neogit
- -- NeogitHeadRegion = colors.fw_purple,
- NeogitBranch = colors.fw_purple,
- -- NeogitPushRegion = colors.fw_green,
- NeogitRemote = colors.fw_green,
- NeogitDiffAddHighlight = colors.fw_green,
- NeogitDiffDeleteHighlight = colors.fw_red,
- NeogitDiffContextHighlight = {bg = colors.base5}, --{bold = true},
- NeogitHunkHeader = colors.fw_purple,
- -- NeogitHunkHeaderHighlight = {reverse = true},
- }
+ local colors = configs.colors
+ local endOfBuffer = {
+ fg = configs.show_end_of_buffer and colors.visual or colors.bg,
+ }
+ return {
+ Normal = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.bg },
+ NormalFloat = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.base6 },
+ Comment = { fg = colors.comment, italic = configs.italic_comment },
+ Constant = colors.fw_teal,
+ String = colors.fw_green,
+ Character = colors.fw_green,
+ Number = colors.fw_teal,
+ Boolean = colors.fw_teal,
+ Float = colors.fw_teal,
+ FloatBorder = colors.fw_base,
+ Operator = colors.fw_base,
+ Keyword = colors.fw_purple,
+ Keywords = colors.fw_purple,
+ Identifier = colors.fw_base,
+ Function = colors.fw_base_bold,
+ Statement = colors.fw_base,
+ Conditional = colors.fw_purple,
+ Repeat = colors.fw_purple,
+ Label = colors.fw_teal,
+ Exception = colors.fw_purple,
+ PreProc = { fg = colors.yellow },
+ Include = { fg = colors.purple },
+ Define = { fg = colors.purple },
+ Title = { fg = colors.cyan },
+ Macro = { fg = colors.purple },
+ PreCondit = { fg = colors.cyan },
+ Type = { fg = colors.cyan },
+ StorageClass = { fg = colors.pink },
+ Structure = { fg = colors.yellow },
+ TypeDef = { fg = colors.yellow },
+ Special = { fg = colors.green, italic = true },
+ SpecialComment = { fg = colors.comment, italic = true },
+ Error = colors.fw_red,
+ Todo = { fg = colors.blue_text, bg = colors.blue_bg, bold = true, italic = true },
+ Underlined = { fg = colors.cyan, underline = true },
+ Cursor = { reverse = true },
+ SignColumn = { bg = colors.bg },
+ Conceal = { fg = colors.comment },
+ CursorColumn = { bg = colors.black },
+ CursorLine = { bg = colors.base4 },
+ CursorLineNr = { bg = colors.base4 },
+ ColorColumn = { bg = colors.selection },
+ StatusLine = { fg = colors.white, bg = colors.black },
+ StatusLineNC = { fg = colors.comment },
+ StatusLineTerm = { fg = colors.white, bg = colors.black },
+ StatusLineTermNC = { fg = colors.comment },
+ Directory = colors.fw_teal,
+ DiffAdd = colors.fw_green,
+ DiffChange = colors.fw_orange,
+ DiffDelete = colors.fw_red,
+ DiffText = { fg = colors.comment },
+ ErrorMsg = { fg = colors.bright_red },
+ VertSplit = { fg = colors.black },
+ Folded = { fg = colors.comment },
+ FoldColumn = {},
+ Search = { fg = colors.bg, bg = colors.purple_text_sec },
+ IncSearch = { fg = colors.bg, bg = colors.purple_text_sec },
+ -- IncSearch = { fg = colors.orange, bg = colors.comment },
+ LineNr = { fg = colors.comment },
+ MatchParen = { fg = colors.bg, bg = colors.blue_text_sec },
+ NonText = { fg = colors.nontext },
+ Pmenu = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.menu },
+ PmenuSel = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.base6 },
+ PmenuSbar = { bg = colors.menu },
+ PmenuThumb = { bg = colors.base3 },
+ Question = { fg = colors.purple },
+ QuickFixLine = { fg = colors.black, bg = colors.yellow },
+ SpecialKey = { fg = colors.nontext },
+ SpellBad = { fg = colors.bright_red, underline = true },
+ SpellCap = { fg = colors.yellow },
+ SpellLocal = { fg = colors.yellow },
+ SpellRare = { fg = colors.yellow },
+ TabLine = { fg = colors.comment, bg = colors.base4 },
+ TabLineSel = { fg = colors.white },
+ TabLineFill = { bg = colors.base4 },
+ Terminal = { fg = colors.white, bg = colors.black },
+ Visual = { bg = colors.visual },
+ VisualNOS = { fg = colors.visual },
+ WarningMsg = { fg = colors.yellow },
+ WildMenu = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.menu },
+ EndOfBuffer = endOfBuffer,
+ WinSeparator = { fg = colors.base3 },
+ -- TreeSitter
+ ["@error"] = colors.fw_red,
+ ["@punctuation.delimiter"] = colors.fw_base,
+ ["@punctuation.bracket"] = colors.fw_base,
+ -- ["@punctuation.special"] = { fg = colors.fg },
+ ["@punctuation.special"] = colors.fw_base,
+ ["@constant"] = colors.fw_teal,
+ ["@constant.builtin"] = colors.fw_teal,
+ ["@symbol"] = colors.fw_base,
+ ["@comment"] = { fg = colors.base2, italic = true },
+ ["@constant.macro"] = colors.fw_teal,
+ ["@string.regex"] = colors.fw_red,
+ ["@string"] = colors.fw_green,
+ ["@string.escape"] = colors.fw_blue,
+ ["@character"] = colors.fw_green,
+ ["@number"] = colors.fw_teal,
+ ["@boolean"] = colors.fw_teal,
+ ["@float"] = colors.fw_teal,
+ ["@annotation"] = colors.fw_blue,
+ ["@attribute"] = colors.fw_blue,
+ ["@namespace"] = colors.fw_base,
+ ["@function.builtin"] = colors.fw_base_bold,
+ ["@function"] = colors.fw_base_bold,
+ ["@function.macro"] = colors.fw_base_bold,
+ ["@parameter"] = colors.fw_base,
+ ["@parameter.reference"] = colors.fw_base,
+ ["@method"] = colors.fw_base,
+ ["@field"] = colors.fw_base,
+ ["@string.field"] = colors.fw_base,
+ ["@property"] = colors.fw_base,
+ ["@constructor"] = colors.fw_base,
+ ["@conditional"] = colors.fw_purple,
+ ["@repeat"] = colors.fw_purple,
+ ["@label"] = colors.fw_teal,
+ ["@keyword"] = colors.fw_purple,
+ ["@keyword.function"] = colors.fw_purple,
+ ["@keyword.operator"] = colors.fw_purple,
+ ["@operator"] = colors.fw_purple,
+ ["@exception"] = colors.fw_purple,
+ ["@type"] = colors.fw_teal,
+ ["@type.builtin"] = colors.fw_teal,
+ ["@type.qualifier"] = colors.fw_purple,
+ ["@structure"] = colors.fw_purple,
+ ["@include"] = colors.fw_purple,
+ ["@variable"] = colors.fw_base,
+ ["@variable.builtin"] = colors.fw_base,
+ ["@text"] = colors.fw_orange,
+ ["@text.strong"] = { fg = colors.orange_text, bg = colors.orange_bg, bold = true },
+ ["@text.emphasis"] = { fg = colors.orange_text, bg = colors.orange_bg, italic = true },
+ ["@text.underline"] = { fg = colors.orange_text, bg = colors.orange_bg, underline = true },
+ ["@text.title"] = { fg = colors.purple_text, bg = colors.purple_bg, bold = true }, -- title
+ ["@text.literal"] = colors.fw_orange,
+ ["@text.uri"] = { fg = colors.blue_text, bg = colors.blue_bg, italic = true }, -- urls
+ ["@text.reference"] = { fg = colors.orange_text, bg = colors.orange_bg, bold = true },
+ ["@tag"] = colors.fw_purple,
+ ["@tag.attribute"] = { fg = colors.base2, bg = colors.base7, italic = true },
+ ["@tag.delimiter"] = { fg = colors.base2, bg = colors.base7, },
+ -- Semantic
+ ["@class"] = colors.fw_teal,
+ ["@struct"] = colors.fw_teal,
+ ["@enum"] = colors.fw_teal,
+ ["@enumMember"] = colors.fw_purple,
+ ["@event"] = colors.fw_teal,
+ ["@interface"] = colors.fw_teal,
+ ["@modifier"] = colors.fw_teal,
+ ["@regexp"] = colors.fw_blue,
+ ["@typeParameter"] = colors.fw_teal,
+ ["@decorator"] = colors.fw_teal,
+ -- HTML
+ htmlArg = { fg = colors.green },
+ htmlBold = { fg = colors.yellow, bold = true },
+ htmlEndTag = { fg = colors.cyan },
+ htmlH1 = { fg = colors.pink },
+ htmlH2 = { fg = colors.pink },
+ htmlH3 = { fg = colors.pink },
+ htmlH4 = { fg = colors.pink },
+ htmlH5 = { fg = colors.pink },
+ htmlH6 = { fg = colors.pink },
+ htmlItalic = { fg = colors.purple, italic = true },
+ htmlLink = { fg = colors.purple, underline = true },
+ htmlSpecialChar = { fg = colors.yellow },
+ htmlSpecialTagName = { fg = colors.cyan },
+ htmlTag = { fg = colors.cyan },
+ htmlTagN = { fg = colors.cyan },
+ htmlTagName = { fg = colors.cyan },
+ htmlTitle = { fg = colors.white },
+ -- Markdown
+ markdownBlockquote = { fg = colors.yellow, italic = true },
+ markdownBold = { fg = colors.orange, bold = true },
+ markdownCode = { fg = colors.green },
+ markdownCodeBlock = { fg = colors.orange },
+ markdownCodeDelimiter = { fg = colors.red },
+ markdownH1 = { fg = colors.pink, bold = true },
+ markdownH2 = { fg = colors.pink, bold = true },
+ markdownH3 = { fg = colors.pink, bold = true },
+ markdownH4 = { fg = colors.pink, bold = true },
+ markdownH5 = { fg = colors.pink, bold = true },
+ markdownH6 = { fg = colors.pink, bold = true },
+ markdownHeadingDelimiter = { fg = colors.red },
+ markdownHeadingRule = { fg = colors.comment },
+ markdownId = { fg = colors.purple },
+ markdownIdDeclaration = { fg = colors.cyan },
+ markdownIdDelimiter = { fg = colors.purple },
+ markdownItalic = { fg = colors.yellow, italic = true },
+ markdownLinkDelimiter = { fg = colors.purple },
+ markdownLinkText = { fg = colors.pink },
+ markdownListMarker = { fg = colors.cyan },
+ markdownOrderedListMarker = { fg = colors.red },
+ markdownRule = { fg = colors.comment },
+ -- Diff
+ diffAdded = { fg = colors.green },
+ diffRemoved = { fg = colors.red },
+ diffFileId = { fg = colors.yellow, bold = true, reverse = true },
+ diffFile = { fg = colors.nontext },
+ diffNewFile = { fg = colors.green },
+ diffOldFile = { fg = colors.red },
+ debugPc = { bg = colors.cyan },
+ debugBreakpoint = { fg = colors.red, reverse = true },
+ -- Git Signs
+ GitSignsAdd = colors.fw_green,
+ GitSignsChange = colors.fw_orange,
+ GitSignsDelete = colors.fw_red,
+ GitSignsAddLn = { fg = colors.black, bg = colors.bright_green },
+ GitSignsChangeLn = { fg = colors.black, bg = colors.cyan },
+ GitSignsDeleteLn = { fg = colors.black, bg = colors.bright_red },
+ GitSignsCurrentLineBlame = { fg = colors.white },
+ -- Telescope
+ TelescopePromptBorder = { fg = colors.comment },
+ TelescopeResultsBorder = { fg = colors.comment },
+ TelescopePreviewBorder = { fg = colors.comment },
+ TelescopeSelection = { fg = colors.white, bg = colors.selection },
+ TelescopeMultiSelection = { fg = colors.purple, bg = colors.selection },
+ TelescopeNormal = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.bg },
+ TelescopeMatching = colors.fw_green,
+ -- TelescopePromptPrefix = colors.fw_purple,
+ -- NvimTree
+ NvimTreeNormal = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.menu },
+ NvimTreeVertSplit = { fg = colors.bg, bg = colors.bg },
+ NvimTreeRootFolder = { fg = colors.fg, bold = true },
+ NvimTreeGitDirty = { fg = colors.yellow },
+ NvimTreeGitNew = { fg = colors.bright_green },
+ NvimTreeImageFile = { fg = colors.pink },
+ NvimTreeFolderIcon = { fg = colors.purple },
+ NvimTreeIndentMarker = { fg = colors.nontext },
+ NvimTreeEmptyFolderName = { fg = colors.comment },
+ NvimTreeFolderName = { fg = colors.fg },
+ NvimTreeSpecialFile = { fg = colors.pink, underline = true },
+ NvimTreeOpenedFolderName = { fg = colors.fg },
+ NvimTreeCursorLine = { bg = colors.selection },
+ NvimTreeIn = { bg = colors.selection },
+ NvimTreeEndOfBuffer = endOfBuffer,
+ -- NeoTree
+ NeoTreeNormal = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.menu },
+ NeoTreeNormalNC = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.menu },
+ NeoTreeDirectoryName = { fg = colors.fg },
+ NeoTreeGitUnstaged = { fg = colors.bright_magenta },
+ NeoTreeGitModified = { fg = colors.bright_magenta },
+ NeoTreeGitUntracked = { fg = colors.bright_green },
+ NeoTreeDirectoryIcon = { fg = colors.purple },
+ NeoTreeIndentMarker = { fg = colors.nontext },
+ NeoTreeDotfile = { fg = colors.comment },
+ -- Bufferline
+ BufferLineIndicatorSelected = { fg = colors.purple },
+ BufferLineFill = { bg = colors.black },
+ BufferLineBufferSelected = { bg = colors.bg },
+ -- LSP
+ DiagnosticError = { fg = colors.red },
+ DiagnosticWarn = { fg = colors.yellow },
+ DiagnosticInfo = { fg = colors.cyan },
+ DiagnosticHint = { fg = colors.cyan },
+ DiagnosticUnderlineError = { undercurl = true, sp = colors.red },
+ DiagnosticUnderlineWarn = { undercurl = true, sp = colors.yellow },
+ DiagnosticUnderlineInfo = { undercurl = true, sp = colors.cyan },
+ DiagnosticUnderlineHint = { undercurl = true, sp = colors.cyan },
+ DiagnosticSignError = colors.fw_red,
+ DiagnosticSignWarn = colors.fw_orange,
+ DiagnosticSignInfo = colors.fw_teal,
+ DiagnosticSignHint = colors.fw_teal,
+ DiagnosticFloatingError = { fg = colors.red },
+ DiagnosticFloatingWarn = { fg = colors.yellow },
+ DiagnosticFloatingInfo = { fg = colors.cyan },
+ DiagnosticFloatingHint = { fg = colors.cyan },
+ DiagnosticVirtualTextError = { fg = colors.red },
+ DiagnosticVirtualTextWarn = { fg = colors.yellow },
+ DiagnosticVirtualTextInfo = { fg = colors.cyan },
+ DiagnosticVirtualTextHint = { fg = colors.cyan },
+ LspDiagnosticsDefaultError = { fg = colors.red },
+ LspDiagnosticsDefaultWarning = { fg = colors.yellow },
+ LspDiagnosticsDefaultInformation = { fg = colors.cyan },
+ LspDiagnosticsDefaultHint = { fg = colors.cyan },
+ LspDiagnosticsUnderlineError = { fg = colors.red, undercurl = true },
+ LspDiagnosticsUnderlineWarning = { fg = colors.yellow, undercurl = true },
+ LspDiagnosticsUnderlineInformation = { fg = colors.cyan, undercurl = true },
+ LspDiagnosticsUnderlineHint = { fg = colors.cyan, undercurl = true },
+ LspReferenceText = { fg = colors.orange },
+ LspReferenceRead = { fg = colors.orange },
+ LspReferenceWrite = { fg = colors.orange },
+ LspCodeLens = { fg = colors.cyan },
+ --LSP Saga
+ -- LspFloatWinNormal = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.menu },
+ -- LspFloatWinBorder = { fg = colors.comment },
+ -- LspSagaHoverBorder = { fg = colors.comment },
+ -- LspSagaSignatureHelpBorder = { fg = colors.comment },
+ -- LspSagaCodeActionBorder = { fg = colors.comment },
+ -- LspSagaDefPreviewBorder = { fg = colors.comment },
+ -- LspLinesDiagBorder = { fg = colors.comment },
+ -- LspSagaRenameBorder = { fg = colors.comment },
+ -- LspSagaBorderTitle = { fg = colors.menu },
+ -- LSPSagaDiagnosticTruncateLine = { fg = colors.comment },
+ -- LspSagaDiagnosticBorder = { fg = colors.comment },
+ -- LspSagaShTruncateLine = { fg = colors.comment },
+ -- LspSagaDocTruncateLine = { fg = colors.comment },
+ -- LspSagaLspFinderBorder = { fg = colors.comment },
+ -- IndentBlankLine
+ IndentBlanklineContextChar = { fg = colors.bright_red, nocombine = true },
+ -- Whitespace = { fg = colors.base3 },
+ IndentBlanklineChar = { fg = colors.base4 },
+ -- Nvim compe
+ CmpItemAbbrDeprecated = { strikethrough = true },
+ CmpItemAbbrMatch = colors.fw_green,
+ --barbar
+ BufferCurrentTarget = { fg = colors.red },
+ BufferVisibleTarget = { fg = colors.red },
+ BufferInactiveTarget = { fg = colors.red },
+ -- Compe
+ CompeDocumentation = { link = "Pmenu" },
+ CompeDocumentationBorder = { link = "Pmenu" },
+ -- Cmp
+ CmpItemKind = { link = "Pmenu" },
+ CmpItemAbbr = { link = "Pmenu" },
+ CmpItemKindMethod = { link = "@method" },
+ CmpItemKindText = { link = "@text" },
+ CmpItemKindFunction = { link = "@function" },
+ CmpItemKindConstructor = { link = "@type" },
+ CmpItemKindVariable = { link = "@variable" },
+ CmpItemKindClass = { link = "@type" },
+ CmpItemKindInterface = { link = "@type" },
+ CmpItemKindModule = { link = "@namespace" },
+ CmpItemKindProperty = { link = "@property" },
+ CmpItemKindOperator = { link = "@operator" },
+ CmpItemKindReference = { link = "@parameter.reference" },
+ CmpItemKindUnit = { link = "@field" },
+ CmpItemKindValue = { link = "@field" },
+ CmpItemKindField = { link = "@field" },
+ CmpItemKindEnum = { link = "@field" },
+ CmpItemKindKeyword = { link = "@keyword" },
+ CmpItemKindSnippet = { link = "@text" },
+ CmpItemKindColor = { link = "DevIconCss" },
+ CmpItemKindFile = { link = "TSURI" },
+ CmpItemKindFolder = { link = "TSURI" },
+ CmpItemKindEvent = { link = "@constant" },
+ CmpItemKindEnumMember = { link = "@field" },
+ CmpItemKindConstant = { link = "@constant" },
+ CmpItemKindStruct = { link = "@structure" },
+ CmpItemKindTypeParameter = { link = "@parameter" },
+ -- navic
+ NavicIconsFile = { link = "CmpItemKindFile" },
+ NavicIconsModule = { link = "CmpItemKindModule" },
+ NavicIconsNamespace = { link = "CmpItemKindModule" },
+ NavicIconsPackage = { link = "CmpItemKindModule" },
+ NavicIconsClass = { link = "CmpItemKindClass" },
+ NavicIconsMethod = { link = "CmpItemKindMethod" },
+ NavicIconsProperty = { link = "CmpItemKindProperty" },
+ NavicIconsField = { link = "CmpItemKindField" },
+ NavicIconsConstructor = { link = "CmpItemKindConstructor" },
+ NavicIconsEnum = { link = "CmpItemKindEnum" },
+ NavicIconsInterface = { link = "CmpItemKindInterface" },
+ NavicIconsFunction = { link = "CmpItemKindFunction" },
+ NavicIconsVariable = { link = "CmpItemKindVariable" },
+ NavicIconsConstant = { link = "CmpItemKindConstant" },
+ NavicIconsString = { link = "String" },
+ NavicIconsNumber = { link = "Number" },
+ NavicIconsBoolean = { link = "Boolean" },
+ NavicIconsArray = { link = "CmpItemKindClass" },
+ NavicIconsObject = { link = "CmpItemKindClass" },
+ NavicIconsKey = { link = "CmpItemKindKeyword" },
+ NavicIconsKeyword = { link = "CmpItemKindKeyword" },
+ NavicIconsNull = { fg = "blue" },
+ NavicIconsEnumMember = { link = "CmpItemKindEnumMember" },
+ NavicIconsStruct = { link = "CmpItemKindStruct" },
+ NavicIconsEvent = { link = "CmpItemKindEvent" },
+ NavicIconsOperator = { link = "CmpItemKindOperator" },
+ NavicIconsTypeParameter = { link = "CmpItemKindTypeParameter" },
+ NavicText = { fg = "gray" },
+ NavicSeparator = { fg = "gray" },
+ -- TS rainbow colors
+ rainbowcol1 = { fg = colors.red },
+ rainbowcol2 = { fg = colors.green },
+ rainbowcol3 = { fg = colors.yellow },
+ rainbowcol4 = { fg = colors.purple },
+ rainbowcol5 = { fg = colors.pink },
+ rainbowcol6 = { fg = colors.cyan },
+ rainbowcol7 = { fg = colors.white },
+ -- Leap
+ LeapMatch = { fg = colors.bg, bg = colors.purple_text_sec },
+ LeapLabelPrimary = { fg = colors.bg, bg = colors.purple_text_sec },
+ LeapLabelSecondary = { fg = colors.bg, bg = colors.green_text_sec },
+ -- Neogit
+ -- NeogitHeadRegion = colors.fw_purple,
+ NeogitBranch = colors.fw_purple,
+ -- NeogitPushRegion = colors.fw_green,
+ NeogitRemote = colors.fw_green,
+ NeogitDiffAddHighlight = colors.fw_green,
+ NeogitDiffDeleteHighlight = colors.fw_red,
+ NeogitDiffContextHighlight = { bg = colors.base5 }, --{bold = true},
+ NeogitHunkHeader = colors.fw_purple,
+ -- NeogitHunkHeaderHighlight = {reverse = true},
+ }
return {
- setup = setup,
+ setup = setup,